March 21, 2019
by Montana Lawrence, NJHA director Winter in Minnesota has been longer and harsher than normal causing even the proudest northerners to long for the Summer months. With spring finally in sight, it’s easy to get …
The Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE) has been the highlight of my summer for the past four years and I expect this year will be no different. The JNHE is being held in Denver, Colorado at the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) complex. I’ve had the privilege of traveling to Denver for the Stock Show several times over the past few years, and every time I leave with a renewed excitement for my role in the cattle industry. The NWSS is a special experience because there is so much history and tradition surrounding the venue and the show itself. I think hosting the JNHE in Denver will bring a new level of excitement to the show that has not been present in the past.
The week of JNHE is an exciting one with many events to keep juniors busy, but it’s also fun to take time away from the show to explore. One destination I would recommend is the Olympic Training Center which is located in Colorado Springs. As someone who has participated in athletics my entire life, I have always been fascinated by the Olympic Games and the level of training that Olympians commit to. On my first trip to Colorado, I begged my mom and dad to take me to the Training Center. Eventually they gave in – I think we all look fondly on that trip and I often think about going back to experience it again. For any cattle kids who are passionate about athletics the training center is a must see destination.
Another great option is to take a drive through the mountains. Being a Midwesterner I don’t often get to experience the kind of terrain Denver has to offer. The last time I went to Denver with my family we took a drive through the mountains at dusk. At one point we stopped on the side of the road to take photos and watch the sun go down. I remember my brother and I feebly attempting to climb the nearest slope we could find. We made it about 30 feet up the hill before my mom and dad noticed and promptly told us to come back down. To this day we still like to say we climbed the mountains in Colorado.
For people like my eldest brother, who can sit in the barn all day and be perfectly content, you are in luck because the facilities in Denver are beautiful.
Overall there is a lot to look forward to this summer. My biggest recommendation to juniors is to make the trip your own and enjoy every moment because the best times always seem to fly by.