A room with chairs and a wooden wall brandishing a rustic charm.
Home / About / Brand Wall

brand wall

When the American Hereford Association (AHA) built a new office building at 1501 Wyandotte in 1986, a Brand Wall was added to the lobby area to showcase members’ brands. The Brand Wall has become a focal point for visitors, and it has kept its prominence in the new office location.

Below is a virtual representation of the brand wall as it is displayed at the current AHA office where it still greets visitors in the main lobby area. Click on a brand to find out more information about the operation/member represented by the brand.

There are some significantly historical operations represented and it is a testament to the history of the breed in the United States.

Note: Any spaces without a brand are available on a first come first served basis, use the button above to submit a brand form.

Logo for Herrin Hereford Ranch
Logo for Herrin Hereford Ranch

Herrin Hereford Ranch

Sugarland , TX

Owned By

R. T. "Bob" Herrin


This is the JR brand (Joined) for the owner's two children, Joan and Robert.


As written prior to February 2018: Bob Herrin started in 1937 with a Brahman herd which gave way to a 400-head registered Hereford operation. The owner, for many years a leader in the Houston Livestock Show, was honored by having the Houston ROM show named for him with a bronze bull trophy as a momento. "One thing I have enjoyed most is knowing so many wonderful Hereford breeders."

Logo for Unknown (B1)
Logo for Unknown (B1)

Unknown (B1)

Logo for Unknown (C1)
Logo for Unknown (C1)

Unknown (C1)

Logo for Mrs. Sherri Mitchell
Logo for Mrs. Sherri Mitchell

Mrs. Sherri Mitchell

Albert , NM

Owned By

Mrs. Sherri Mitchell


Slash, diamond, slash used on the owner's personal cattle.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner's personal cattle are maintained along with others under the Mitchell family's ownership on the well known Tequesquite Ranch–see the page for T. E. Mitchell & Son.

Logo for Mill Creek Herefords
Logo for Mill Creek Herefords

Mill Creek Herefords

Alma , KS

Owned By

Peter G. Wray and David A. Breiner


Running letter M with symbol for a running stream for the ranch which is located on Mill Creek River.


As written prior to February 2018: Mill Creek Herefords was established in 1972 with the original cow herd based on Line One and Mark Donald bloodlines with performance pedigree and sire summary information holding top priority in the breeding program. Mill Creek has won in numerous state and national shows in individual, group and carload competition. Cattle and semen from MCH sires have been sold to most states and many foreign countries.

Logo for J. Harold Carswell Herefords
Logo for J. Harold Carswell Herefords

J. Harold Carswell Herefords

Osborne , KS

Owned By

J. Harold Carswell


The prefix combines the initials of the owner.


As written prior to February 2018: Harold Carswell's first registered Hereford heifers were purchased from his father, Jay L. Carswell, in 1935. Harold and his wife, Pat, bought their ranch in 1950 and raised twin daughters, Carol Nichols and Cathy Delaney. Now (1986) in their 50th year they have never produced any other cattle than registered Herefords. Present sires: SDR L1 Domino 8024; L1 CL 1 Domino 75458; DH 303 Yampa Lad 4.

Logo for Willis Ranch
Logo for Willis Ranch

Willis Ranch

Odessa , TX

Owned By

Palmer Willis


The brand is Quarter Circle over J.


As written prior to February 2018: The Quarter Circle J brand has been used on registered Herefords since 1935 when J. J. Willis, father of Palmer, established the Willis Ranch herd. Both commercial and registered Herefords were produced until 1970 when the commercial herd was discontinued. 4-H and FFA youths have had many successful endeavors using calves from this ranch over the years.

Logo for CK Ranch
Logo for CK Ranch

CK Ranch

Brookville , KS

Owned By

Mr. & Mrs. John K. (Jack) Vanier


The brand includes the letters C and K which stand for Central Kansas.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch has developed a rich history since it's foundation in 1934 by Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vanier. Its 12,000 acres approximately support 1,300 registered and commercial Hereford cows. From them the annual volume of calves registered averages about 800.

Logo for Sauer Hereford Ranch
Logo for Sauer Hereford Ranch

Sauer Hereford Ranch

McAlester , OK

Owned By

Karl F. Sauer, M.D., and Family


The prefix combines S for the Sauer name and the figure 5 for the five family members Karl, Sharon, Michelle, Leslie and Michael.


As written prior to February 2018: Sauer Hereford Ranch was founded in November 1972 and is located 20 miles north of McAlester in the South Canadian River bottom. The herd is limited to breeding registered Herefords with concentration on Line One-Mark Donald bloodlines and crosses. The operation is a family affair.

Logo for Santa Cecilia Ranch
Logo for Santa Cecilia Ranch

Santa Cecilia Ranch

Raymondville , TX

Owned By

The Schulz Family – Donald, Cecilia, John & Joe


The brand is a contraction of the "C" and "D" initials of the owners, Cecilia and Don Schulz.


As written prior to February 2018: Dating back to July 4, 1790, when the San Juan de Carracitos Spanish land grant (600,000 acres) was originally surveyed, the Santa Cecilia branch was established from the portion that was awarded to Francisco Yturria, great grandfather of Cecilia Schulz. She and husband, Don Schulz, with sons John and Joe, carry on the rich family tradition of Francisco Yturria by operating their Kennedy County ranch, the second southernmost Hereford ranch in America, as the home of Siesta Herefords. The present ranch contains 4,000 plus acres and provides for a herd of 150 plus Hereford cows, plus 50 Commercials. Some F1 (Hereford X Brahman) females are kept as transfer recipients. Mature cows weigh 1400 to 1500 pounds, large cows for the area, and they are bred to bulls of Canadian and Line One herd bulls to produce large bulls for the area Commercial Cattlemen. Calving begins after October 1 and before May 1 to beat the heat problem that is prevalent in the area at other times. The Santa Cecilia Ranch has withstood attacks from bandits, Indians, drought, a war, and other challenges but it continues today proving that Herefords, carefully managed, thrive in South Texas.

Logo for Clark Hereford Ranch
Logo for Clark Hereford Ranch

Clark Hereford Ranch

Buhl , ID

Owned By

A. D. Clark and Ruby Clark


The featured letters CHR provide the ranch's log. These letters are also used as prefix for naming.


As written prior to February 2018: Since 1959 when the ranch was purchased Clark Hereford Ranch raises registered Herefords.

Logo for Rancho Rayo
Logo for Rancho Rayo

Rancho Rayo

Hopkins (Nodaway County) , MO

Owned By

Rancho Del Rayo, Inc.


The brand, representing a streak of lightening, is used on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was founded in 1938 by William and Virginia Robbins. It is now operated by William (Bill) and Charlene Robbins. The ranch is devoted to producing something useful (Beef) with the eroded and timbered 102 River bluff grasslands while conserving these natural resources for future Americans.

Logo for Youngblood Ranch
Logo for Youngblood Ranch

Youngblood Ranch

Lamesa , TX

Owned By

Mrs. F. A., Arlan and Kent Youngblood


The letter Y branded on the right hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Hereford cattle are a family tradition at Youngblood Ranch in Lamesa, Texas. M. L. Youngblood started the Hereford tradition for the Youngbloods in 1905 with the registered herd beginning in 1937. M. L.'s son, F. A. (Alton), and grandson Arlan have kept the herd advancing and improving through the years. Currently, Arlan and Avis' family includes Kent and Sharon Youngblood and Tom, Kelli, Kati, and Ky Merritt. Mrs. F. A. Youngblood and the three younger generations are actively involved in the family ranching business. In fact, the family hires no help other than occasional day workers. The Youngbloods raise sound, practical Herefords. They believe in cows having calves by their side every year, with no excuses for anything less. Their calves are not creep fed and their sick cattle are not pampered. Vet bills are minimal this way and overhead remains reasonable. Youngblood cattle are rugged and capable of surviving through most circumstances. Youngblood Ranch has high standards for their unique, practical, and quality Herefords. That is the way the family started the business and that is how the present generations plan to keep it.

Logo for Double U Hereford Ranch
Logo for Double U Hereford Ranch

Double U Hereford Ranch

Post , TX

Owned By



The letter U doubled and branded on the left thigh.


The ranch has produced Herefords for 75 years as of 1986. The registered herd of 250 cows produces bulls for the 1,400 head of commercial herd and approximately 80 bulls and 30 females for sale annually. There are 1,200 acres devoted to farming — cotton, grain, wheat and sorghum. Bloodlines are primarily Line One, Yellow Design, Onward, Silvertone, Sam Domino and Regulator. The aim is to produce cattle of eye appeal that perform.

Logo for Brooks Ranch
Logo for Brooks Ranch

Brooks Ranch

Hardin , MT

Owned By

J. Loren and Janet Brooks


Quarter circle over the number 3 and a running W–Quarter Circle 3W.


As written prior to February 2018: Brooks registered and commercial Herefords originated in North Dakota in 1943. Loren and family moved their portion to Montana in 1945 in the area of Custer's trail to the Little Big Horn. Performance testing began in 1958. Annual sales in top 10 category. Loren has served as president of Montana and North Dakota state associations. Ownership includes daughter Vicki and son-in-law Gary Bishop.

Logo for McCluskey Ranch
Logo for McCluskey Ranch

McCluskey Ranch

LaCygne , KS

Owned By

William H. McCluskey


The brand consists of a flying letter H, under a bar. Thus, Flying H Bar.


As written prior to February 2018: The Flying H brand was used on the owner's ranch at Shidler, Oklahoma, before he moved it and added a bar for the 3,000 acre ranch at LaCygne in 1972. The McCluskey ranch operates a herd of 50 registered Hereford cows and 125 commercials based in the beginning on Northern Pump Farms and J. P. Calliham bloodlines. Mr. McCluskey also owns a Colorado ranch and accompanying brand, -O for Bar Nothing, which is leased.

Logo for Anderson's Herefords
Logo for Anderson's Herefords

Anderson’s Herefords

Rock Island , TX

Owned By

Bob and Pat Anderson


Letter A joined to lower case letter B.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch consists of 110 acres located at Rock Island, Texas. The herd of 50 registered horned Herefords, established in 1969, graze on Coastal and Alicia pastures.

Logo for Barnhart Ranches
Logo for Barnhart Ranches

Barnhart Ranches

Houston , TX

Owned By

Barnhart Co.


The brand is a bar over the symbol for heart – The Bar Heart.


As written prior to February 2018: The Barnhart Ranches are producers of registered and commercial Herefords at seven locations in Texas–Westhoff, Ellinger, Hebbronville, Highlands, Houston, Welcome and Freer.

Logo for Watson Ranch
Logo for Watson Ranch

Watson Ranch

Morris , OK

Owned By

Mrs. Martha Griffin


Standing W joined to a running R.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was founded by the late Dr. Fred Watson on $7,000 borrowed capital in 1930. His brother Gene came as a managing partner in 1938 remaining until his death in 1974 being replaced by Oliver "Slim" Taylor. This large herd has gained many showring honors and wide attention with regular 95-97 percent calf crop on a working ranch. After Dr. Watson's death 2/3/81 the ranch passed to his daughter Martha Watson Griffin.

Logo for Webb Brothers
Logo for Webb Brothers

Webb Brothers

Marion , AL

Owned By

Webb Brothers


A diamond inside a circle–Circle diamond brand.


As written prior to February 2018: From 40 acres homesteaded in 1819 by William Moore succeeding family operators have built the present Webb Brothers holdings to 30,000 acres in the middle of Alabama's famed Black Belt. C. A. Webb, Jr. and J. C. Webb (deceased) bought the first Hereford bulls–two at $45 each–to begin the commercial herd. As a gift from J. Marion Moore in 1934 first purebreds included a bull that cost $85 and four heifers that cost $65 each. Thus the present 200 head registered herd was founded and grew on subsequent purchases from George Nance, John B. Stribling, Milky Way Farms, W. E. Dameron, J. S. Bridwell, W. R. Lanier and others. The 1,200 head commercial herd was sold some years ago but the registered herd continues at this diverse cattle and farming empire in Perry County. Charles A. Holmes (nephew of C.A. and C. J.) assists in present day management.

Logo for Kathy Knox Registered Herefords
Logo for Kathy Knox Registered Herefords

Kathy Knox Registered Herefords

Tarzan , TX

Owned By

Kathryn I. Knox


The brand represents the initials of the owner's name with the K for Kathryn and Knox. The upright part of the letter K has a dot above it to become a "dotted I" for Ida, the owner's middle name. Thus the dotted k.


As written prior to February 2018: The Hereford herd began with two registered heifers, a gift from the owner's parents. Retaining female replacements along with those purchased has brought the herd to its present size. A commercial herd was started in 1979. The owner sells club calves from both herds and she sells registered bulls in consignment sales.

Logo for V Bar Ranch
Logo for V Bar Ranch

V Bar Ranch

Stanton , TX

Owned By

Mary Sale Midkiff and Monica and Crysti Sale


The brand is a letter V over a bar–V bar branded on the left side.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was established in 1901 by E. B. Dickenson, a colorful character and bachelor who got his start working for neighbor ranches and branding strays. His nephew, J. C. Sale, who loved ranching became a partner in the ranch and commercial Herefords. At J. C.'s death Robert K. Sale took over and started the registered herd in 1972. Since Bobby's death in 1979 his widow Mary Sale and his manager Bruce Brandenberger have continued gaining a highlight in showing the bull Centennial, the 1981 Denver grand champion.

Logo for Franklin Nash
Logo for Franklin Nash

Franklin Nash

Canon City , CO

Owned By

Franklin Nash and Family


Reverse 7 with a quarter circle attached.


As written prior to February 2018: The present herd is a linebred Nash herd developed from females purchased in 1914. Registered Herefords are the family's only business and selling coming two-year-old bulls to commercial breeders for which there is exceptional demand. The firm has customers who have bought bulls continuously for 60 years.

Logo for Bridwell Hereford Ranch
Logo for Bridwell Hereford Ranch

Bridwell Hereford Ranch

Windthorst , TX

Owned By

Joseph Sterling Bridwell


The letters J and B, initials of the owner, branded on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The late J.S. Bridwell twice an AHA president, of Wichita Falls, Texas, loved and developed good Hereford cattle. At his death in 1966 the Bridwell Ranch was world renowned. The Bridwell estate continues his tradition in raising good Herefords on five Bridwell ranches located in seven Texas counties.

Logo for Southern Cross Ranch
Logo for Southern Cross Ranch

Southern Cross Ranch

Davis , OK

Owned By

Burke Healey & Family


As written prior to February 2018: With the division of Healey Brothers Ranch in 1988 for estate purposes, following a dispersal averaging $2,475 per lot, Burke Healey and his family took the southern division of the ranch–re-naming it "The Southern Cross." The Healey's marked four decades of breeding Herefords as they commenced building their new Southern Cross herd.

Logo for James L. Kuykendall & Sons
Logo for James L. Kuykendall & Sons

James L. Kuykendall & Sons

Cherokee , TX

Owned By

James L. Kuykendall & Sons


The letters LOV, branded on the right side. The letters are from the name of the founder.


As written prior to February 2018: The LOV brand was recorded in San Saba, and surrounding counties in Central Texas in 1879. The ranch was established by Lovell C. Kuykendall. Two-year-old steers off the ranch were trailed to Kansas railheads in the late 1800's. Hereford bulls were first used on "Durham" cows in the early 1900's. This led to a cow-calf ranch with commercial and registered Herefords with the registered herd being established in 1952.

Logo for King Herefords
Logo for King Herefords

King Herefords

Stanley , NM

Owned By

Bill King


Backwards capital L connected to a y.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranch founded in 1918 and registered Hereford business started in 1968. Founded by Will King who moved to Stanley, New Mexico in 1918 and traded a model T Ford for the homestead. Continuously owned and operated by 5 generations of the King family. Bill King was president of the AHA in 2009. Bill's daughter Becky has served as vice president of the National Hereford Women an on the junior board of the American Hereford Association.

Logo for Dudley Bros.
Logo for Dudley Bros.

Dudley Bros.

Comanche , TX

Owned By

The Dudley Family


Reversed D and forward B, connected which represents the Dudley Bros. firm. Brand was registered in Comanche County, Texas on February 23, 1937.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranch was founded by the brothers Gail, Tom and Eltos Dudley in 1936 and has produced registered Herefords since 1938. Present ranches located in Comanche and Runnels counties and managed by the families of Gail and Eltos Dudley. Ranch is famous for its annual sale and volume bull offering.

Logo for XP Herbel Herefords
Logo for XP Herbel Herefords

XP Herbel Herefords

Lucas , KS

Owned By

Clayton and Norman Herbel


The XP brand denotes the first two Greek letters for Jesus Christ in whom we place our trust as the name above all others. The Herbels


As written prior to February 2018: Clayton and Norman are the third generation commercial Hereford producers. In 1973 registered Herefords were added to the operation. David Herbel settled the present location in 1909 and was followed by Carl Herbel, both excellent cowmen and Hereford enthusiasts. Kent and John Herbel, sons of Norman and Clayton respectively, will continue the family tradition, "God willing."

Logo for Little River Farms
Logo for Little River Farms

Little River Farms

Asheboro , NC

Owned By

Auman, Phyllis, Harold and Della Teel


The initial letters, L R F, in Old English style is a symbol or logo for the farm.


As written prior to February 2018: In 1943 L. A. Teel started a Hereford herd with purchases from Greystone Herefords in Missouri. The Auman Teel family continues the improvement and production of registered Herefords. For his contribution to the breed's progress and to leadership in his area Hereford association, Auman Teel was given the famous Mills Award in 1985.

Logo for Norgren Cattle Co.
Logo for Norgren Cattle Co.

Norgren Cattle Co.

Platteville , CO

Owned By

Donald K. Norgren


Drag N


As written prior to February 2018: The brand was first registered in about 1917 by Carl Norgren, Silt, Colorado, father of the present owner. The foundation of the registered herd was started in South Dakota by Carl Norgren and part of the herd was moved to Colorado in 1946. The herd has continued in Colorado since that time, first under the ownership of Carl Norgren and in later years under Don Norgren's ownership.

Logo for Thomas E. Mitchell III
Logo for Thomas E. Mitchell III

Thomas E. Mitchell III

Albert , NM

Owned By

Thomas E. Mitchell III


Double circle, used on left hip on cattle.


As written prior to February 2018: This brand was Mrs. T. E. Mitchell's personal brand. It was given to the owner at birth and is used on his personal cattle that are part of the Tequesquite Ranch herd.

Brand Space Unavailable (E2)

Logo for Monahan Cattle Co.
Logo for Monahan Cattle Co.

Monahan Cattle Co.

Hyannis , NE

Owned By

Monahan Cattle Co.


The brand is a circle with a dot in the center.


As written prior to February 2018: This Monahan family ranch was founded in 1892. Earl assumed management in the early 1920's and expanded it to the present size operating a reputation commercial Hereford herd. A purebred herd was started in 1948 to raise bulls for the commercial herd. Earl Monahan was AHA President in 1960.

Logo for '-TA Ranch, Inc.
Logo for '-TA Ranch, Inc.

‘-TA Ranch, Inc.

Buffalo Gap , SD

Owned By

Johne E. and Donna F. Barta


Brand can be pronounced as BARTA in that it includess a bar with letters T and A, thus -TA.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was established by Albert and Adella Barta in 1930 with 700 acres on the Cheyenne River. It grew to 90,000 acres producing top club calves and reputation feeders that often went to fat carlot shows, one steer calf shown by Sherman Berg became champion Hereford at Chicago. The ranch under present operators still produce quality Herefords.

Logo for Upstream Ranch
Logo for Upstream Ranch

Upstream Ranch

Taylor , NE

Owned By

Alfred & Ferrall Meeks


The letters UPS abbreviate the name Upstream Ranch and provide a naming prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: Alfred Meeks started in the Hereford business in 1924 with commercial cattle given to him by his father in Texas. He purchased Upstream Ranch in 1955 which has become a nationally prominent outfit winning in major shows and selling in the top price range. The partnership also includes Ferrall's sons Vaughn and Brent. Commercial and purebred Herefords are the ranch's only enterprise.

Logo for Perks Ranch
Logo for Perks Ranch

Perks Ranch

Rockford , IL

Owned By

Doug Perks

Logo for Kansas State University
Logo for Kansas State University

Kansas State University

Manhattan , KS

Owned By

Kansas State University


Flying letter K.


As written prior to February 2018: KSU purchased its first Herefords – a bull and a heifer in 1888 from Shockey & Gibbs of Lawrence, Kansas. From there a registered herd has been maintained along with two other pure breeds with the present Hereford herd to continue at 60 cows. Kansas State's cattle are used primarily for research and student teaching but through the years many individual animals have been utilized within the seedstock industry. Currently surplus cattle produced are aimed for sale to commercial breeders.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Knox TY Herefords
Logo for Knox TY Herefords

Knox TY Herefords

Tarzan , TX

Owned By

Tee and Jo Knox


Brand combines the letters T and Y joined.


As written prior to February 2018: Herefords have been raised on this ranch since 1896.

Logo for Skow Herefords
Logo for Skow Herefords

Skow Herefords

Golden City , MO

Owned By

Kenneth and RaNae Skow


Double V's. Right rib of cattle. Right shoulder of horses.


As written June 2018: I, Kenneth Skow got my first Hereford heifer in 1948 at the age of 6, in partnership with my grandpa, Pete Skow. I continued owning Herefords all through my school years, belonging to 4-H and later FFA. After a year of college and getting married, with the help of my wife RaNae and our two daughters Jackie and Anna Mae, we raised our Hereford cattle for 39 years on Lower Crane Creek Ranch at Weiser, Idaho. In 2000 we moved our Hereford cattle to Missouri. There we have continued to buy top bloodlines to help improve our herd and the raising and selling of horned Hereford bulls.

Logo for Bell Ranch
Logo for Bell Ranch

Bell Ranch

Bell Ranch , NM

Owned By

Lane Industries, Inc.


The Bell brand is placed on the left rib of cattle and the left shoulder of horses. It was recorded in the New Mexico territory, San Miguel County in 1875.


As written prior to February 2018: The Bell Ranch is located in San Miguel County, Northeastern New Mexico and was originally the Pablo Montoya land grant dating back to 1824. The purchase in 1980 of the 290,000 acre ranch by the Lane family included the distinguished performance based registered and commercial Herefords that are traditional on the ranch.

Logo for LeForce Farms
Logo for LeForce Farms

LeForce Farms

Nash (Grant County) , OK

Owned By

LeForce Farms, Inc.


The letters L and F joined.


As written prior to February 2018: LeForce Farms originated at the opening of Oklahoma's Cherokee Strip in September 1893 when homesteaded by Henry J. LeForce. The original homestead is still part of today's operation. In July 1972 LeForce Farms became the first land owning agricultural corporation in Oklahoma. The operation includes a registered Hereford breeding herd and a commercial stocker-feeder herd.

Logo for Tyson Ranch
Logo for Tyson Ranch

Tyson Ranch

Parker , KS

Owned By

Robert and Linda Tyson


The prefix letters PTL (for Praise the Lord).


As written prior to February 2018: Tyson Ranch is devoted to God and to raising Registered Hereford cattle. The Ranch was formed in eastern Kansas in 1975 by Robert and Linda Tyson, and sons Tim and Roger. "We give all credit to God as we tatoo every newborn calf with PTL, Praise the Lord."

Logo for Steen Hereford Ranch - MO
Logo for Steen Hereford Ranch - MO

Steen Hereford Ranch – MO

Carthage , MO

Owned By

James and Susan Steen


Letter O with hanging letter L attached below.


As written prior to February 2018: This brand was first registered in Presidio County Texas by James' great grandfather in 1881. James' grandfather, Oren Bimton, inherited the brand and it was subsequently passed down to James. When James and Susan moved to Carthage, Missouri, the brand was brought with them. It is also still registered in Presidio County Texas.

Logo for Coley Herefords
Logo for Coley Herefords

Coley Herefords

Lafayette , TN

Owned By

Jim Coley


Coley Herefords traces its roots to 1938 and the purchase of two registered Hereford heifers by V.H. Coley, Dee Coley and Clyde Coley. (my Grandfather, my Dad and my Uncle. They were purchased from Mr. George Wynn. Mr. Wynn owned Wynnewood which was built in 1828 and is the largest existing log structure in Tennessee, and a National Historic Landmark..  The Coleys built their herd and began having production sales in 1952 and these continued for over 25 years. On more than one occasion their bull sale had the highest average for any Hereford bull sale its size in the country. After Dee's death the original herd was dispersed. Clyde and Dee were inducted into the Hereford Heritage Hall of Fame in 1993.The Coley tradition has been continued by Dee's sons Bob & Jim.  Bob has his cattle near New Market in East Tennessee. Jim moved his cattle back to the "home place" in 2017 and continues to operate there selling bulls and replacement females to leading producers in the southeast.

Logo for Fulton Quien Sabe Ranch
Logo for Fulton Quien Sabe Ranch

Fulton Quien Sabe Ranch

Lubbock , TX

Owned By

Fulton Quien Sabe Ranch


Legend provides that the brand–two half moons–came from a ranch in the Rio Grande. A cowhand, when asked what the brand means, replied "Quien Sabe," which is Spanish for "Who Knows?"


As written prior to February 2018: In 1956 R. H. Fulton and Joe Fulton purchased 96,000 acres of the Alamositas Division of the Matador Land and Cattle Company. Today, approximately 55 new Hereford calves are registered each year on the cattle raising division which has been expanded to 150,000 acres in Oldham and Potter Counties in Texas. Quarter Horse breeding and racing divisions have been added in Lubbock and Fayette Counties in Texas.

Logo for TSR Ranch
Logo for TSR Ranch

TSR Ranch

Chadron , NE

Owned By

Tom and Shirley Sellman


The Muleshoe brand.


As written prior to February 2018: The Muleshoe brand was used by the Sellman brothers Marshall and Dick at Watrous, New Mexico, from 1941 to 1973 when it was registered in Nebraska and used by Sellman Brothers Ranch owned by Tom Sellman and Marshall Sellman, Jr. The brand is now used by Tom Sellman on his TSR Ranch on the right hip and by Marshall (Butch) Sellman, Jr., and his family on the right shoulder of their cattle.

Logo for Langford Herefords
Logo for Langford Herefords

Langford Herefords

Okmulgee , OK

Owned By

Leon, Suzy & Watson Langford


Horseshoe with bar on each side. We call it "shoenail" brand.


As written prior to February 2018: Langford Herefords began in 1939 by Elmer Langford at Texico, NM. His son, Leon, continues breeding and selling Herefords. Watson Ranch Herefords began in 1939 by Gene and Dr. Fred Watson of Okmulgee, OK. Gene's daughter, Suzy, married Leon Langford in 1979. Langford Herefords, now managed by Leon, Suzy and their son, Watson, continues their family business in Oklahoma, selling 150 registered Hereford bulls and 100 females at the ranch, private treaty.

Logo for Doyle Hereford Ranch
Logo for Doyle Hereford Ranch

Doyle Hereford Ranch

Wolfe City , TX

Owned By

Mike Doyle


Rocking D – Capital letter D with a rocker underneath.


The Doyle Hereford Ranch was founded in 1964 by Dale Doyle and his son Mike in Wolfe City, Texas. What started as a small herd has grown tremendously and thrived throughout the past 60 years. With herd sires from all over the United States producing top quality females, the Rocking D brand represents tradition and excellence above all else. This is why we invite you to experience the Doyle Difference!

Logo for Ferguson Ranch
Logo for Ferguson Ranch

Ferguson Ranch

Decatur , TX

Owned By

Mrs. H. N. Ferguson and Mrs. Harry F. Williams (Ann)


Bar over the letter F–Bar F.


As written prior to February 2018: The Ferguson Ranch was started at the present location–12 miles north of Decatur–in 1891. The first Hereford bull was purchased in 1915 and the first Hereford was registered by the ranch in 1930. A registered and commercial herd continues to the present time.

Logo for Fair Oaks Ranch
Logo for Fair Oaks Ranch

Fair Oaks Ranch

Berclair , TX

Owned By

R. Pryor Lucas and Richard M. Lucas


Lazy letter L (laying on its side) which is branded on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: R. Pryor Lucas established his registered Hereford herd in 1914 based on Prince Domino and Beau Mischief bloodlines. Mr. Lucas died in 1951 and since that time the ranch has been operated by a son, Richard M. Lucas who maintains a commercial Hereford herd using registered bulls. The ranch is located one mile southeast of Berclair in Goliad County, Texas.

Logo for Sonoma Mountain Herefords
Logo for Sonoma Mountain Herefords

Sonoma Mountain Herefords

Santa Rosa , CA


Two mountain peaks with an S below.


As written prior to February 2018: In the late 1800's, German immigrants Louis Kunde made his way to the United Sates with a goal of purchasing farmland in California. In 1904 the family ranch began growing premium grapes, but the property has also been home to a registered Herford operation. According to Marcia (Kunde) Mickelson granddaughter to Louis Kunde and daughter of Bob and Leslie Kunde started the Hereford business in the early 1950's. With the annual production sale in the heart of wine country, the registered herd became well known throughout the United States.

Logo for Waugh Herefords
Logo for Waugh Herefords

Waugh Herefords

Rosston , OK

Owned By

Wilford, Marian and Troy Waugh


Bar over the letter W.


As written prior to February 2018: In 1946 when he returned from the Armed forces Wilford D. Waugh owned 160 acres but presently he and his son own and lease 1,700 acres. In 1978 he purchased 15 cow-and-calf pairs from Joe White, Shattuck, Oklahoma. The Waugh's have improved and increased their herd from this foundation.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for GKB Cattle Co.
Logo for GKB Cattle Co.

GKB Cattle Co.

Tarzan , TX

Owned By

Gary & Kathy Buchholz


Anchor Brand – left shoulder.


As written prior to February 2018: The Anchor brand was registered by the current owner's great aunt in the early 1930's and was passed on to Kathy's father in 1988 when the aunt's estate was closed. Her father transferred the brand to Gary and Kathy in August 1995. Thus it has been used on only one ranch and only one breed of cattle – HEREFORDS.

Logo for Oleen Brothers
Logo for Oleen Brothers

Oleen Brothers

Dwight , KS

Owned By

Jan R., Kent E., and Arden R. Oleen


Combines the letters J, A and K, intials of the owners.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch is located on the western edge of the Kansas Flint Hills. The commercial Hereford herd was established in 1970 and the registered herd began in 1976 with heifers of Tiberius and Donald bloodlines. Since then Line One and Canadian strains have been introduced into the herd.

Logo for Churchill Cattle Company
Logo for Churchill Cattle Company

Churchill Cattle Company

1862 Yadon Rd Manhattan , MT 59741

Owned By

Dale & Nancy Venhuizen


Side D over V.

Logo for Warner Hereford Farms
Logo for Warner Hereford Farms

Warner Hereford Farms

Waverly , NE

Owned By

Charles and Jerome Warner


WHF is the prefix used by Warner Hereford Farms, Inc.


As written prior to February 2018: The Hereford herd presently of 250 cows was founded in 1926 with 100 cows purchased from Juliana Braddock, Chadron, Nebraska, by Charles Warner, father of Charles and Jerome. The first two carloads of bulls sold in the Denver Stock Show paid for the cows. The farms hosted the 1966 Nebraska Junior Field Day with the United States record attendance up to that time. Charles Warner is the manager and principal owner of the cattle. He is a director for life of the Southeast Nebraska Hereford Association.

Logo for El Monterey Cattle Co.
Logo for El Monterey Cattle Co.

El Monterey Cattle Co.

Salinas , CA

Owned By

Edward C. Mears


Running E M, registered in the state of California. Letters are initials of the owner and the El Monterrey breed.


As written prior to February 2018: The Mears Land and Cattle Co. operations include 23,000 acres of deeded and leased land near Monterey, California. Beginning in 1971 Edward C. Mears began the development of a new "American" breed to meet the needs of commercial cattlemen. The resulting El Monterey breed is 1/2 Hereford, 1/4 Longhorn, and 1/4 Charolais.

Logo for Jackson Bros. & Son
Logo for Jackson Bros. & Son

Jackson Bros. & Son

Abilene , TX

Owned By

Randall C. Jackson, J. Rupert Jackson (1914-1983) and Randall C Jackson, Jr.


The brand combines the letter J with a bar (J Bar).


As written prior to February 2018: Jackson Bros. & Son began in 1955 on 320 acres south of Baird, Texas. The operation began with a commercial Hereford herd and presently includes both commercial and registered Herefords in both Callahan and Shackleford Counties on a total of 6,500 acres.

Logo for Black Hills Hereford Ranch
Logo for Black Hills Hereford Ranch

Black Hills Hereford Ranch

Piedmont , SD

Owned By

Calvin and Bruce Blair


The prefix includes the initials of the name of the outfit.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was purchased by Blair Bros. in 1921 with registered cattle on it. The ranch continued as Blair Bros. until 1948 when they divided their holdings. At this time John Blair and his son Calvin continued on with registered cattle until 1970 when Calvin and his son Bruce took over.

Logo for Premier Hereford Farms
Logo for Premier Hereford Farms

Premier Hereford Farms

West Des Moines , IA

Owned By

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Doane


Combines the letters P, H, F as a prefix for Premier Hereford Farms.


As written prior to February 2018: The farms were established in 1931 by Joseph W. Radotinski former Kansas State Architect and architect for the AHA headquarters building at 715 Hereford Drive, Kansas City, built in 1953-54. The farm was named for a former herd bull, the Harrisdale Farms produced, Prince Domino Premier. Another champion herd bull was Real Prince Domino 87. After 52 years with the Farms Mr. Radotinski passed away and the farms went to his daughter and her family.

Logo for B&D Herefords
Logo for B&D Herefords

B&D Herefords

Claflin , KS

Owned By

Beran Brothers

Logo for Carter Hereford Ranch
Logo for Carter Hereford Ranch

Carter Hereford Ranch

Preston , ID

Owned By

Don Carter


The letters DC branded on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The herd was started with two Real Prince Domino heifers and has been built to 250 purebred cows plus a commercial herd staying close to the beginning bloodline. The herd produced a first prize heifer at the 1939 World's Fair at Treasure Island the grand champion pen of 5 bulls at the Ogden, Utah Golden Spike Exposition.

Logo for Walnut Grove Farm
Logo for Walnut Grove Farm

Walnut Grove Farm

Siloam Springs , AR

Owned By

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wirick, Jr. and family and Jane Wirick


The initial letters adapted to a logo for the farm and also used as a prefix, WGF.


As written prior to February 2018: A registered Hereford herd was established at Walnut Grove in 1935 by H. L. Wirick, Sr., however the herd was liquidated and the farm converted to a commercial cow herd. A registered Hereford herd was re-established in 1982 with ownership continuing in the Wirick Family.

Logo for Oleen Cattle Co.
Logo for Oleen Cattle Co.

Oleen Cattle Co.

Falun , KS

Owned By

Glenn C and Charles E. Oleen


Bar, letter O, bar connected.


As written prior to February 2018: Oleen Cattle Company was founded in 1977 by the brothers Glenn and Charles Oleen who are third generation Hereford breeders striving to breed both registered and commercial Herefords with profitable production traits. Visitors and inquires are always welcome.

Logo for Rocking Chair Ranch
Logo for Rocking Chair Ranch

Rocking Chair Ranch

Fort Mckavett , TX

Owned By

L.C. Whitehead


Brand shaped like a rocking chair.


As written prior to February 2018: The Rocking Chair Ranch name and brand are seen in many history school books. They date back to the early 1850's. Herefords have been maintained by the Whiteheads on the ranch for the last 25 years.

Logo for Ryel Herefords
Logo for Ryel Herefords

Ryel Herefords

Merced , CA

Owned By

Arol G. and Mary Frances Ryel


Quarter circle over the letter R.


As written prior to February 2018: The herd was started by Mr. Ryel in 1975 with four Line One cows and the life ambition to have the best in the business. At present the herd includes CL 1 Dominette 418, the breed's fourth highest priced cow and produced the 1982 Ideal Range Bull in competition with 400 bulls of 19 breeds.

Logo for Unknown (N3)
Logo for Unknown (N3)

Unknown (N3)

Logo for TT Herefords
Logo for TT Herefords

TT Herefords

Connell , WA

Owned By

Harold Thompson


The letter T is used in the TT prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch has been a producer of commercial cattle for 75 continuous years. Upon returning from World War II Harold began a registered herd that became a fountainhead source for linebred Mark Donald 77 Herefords now (1986) in its 42nd year.

Logo for Dillard Hereford Ranches
Logo for Dillard Hereford Ranches

Dillard Hereford Ranches

Ringling , OK

Owned By

Jerry H. Dillard


Rocking Diamond, branded on left hip. The brand is one of several used by the owner's grandfather before the 1900's.


As written prior to February 2018: Original ranch was started in 1870 by the owner's grandfather who came to Oklahoma from Spanish Fort, Texas. The Dillard Hereford Ranch is a division of the ranching operation under the name of Rocking Diamond Cattle Co. The ranch runs a herd of approximately 200 registered and 800 commercial cows.

Logo for San Carlos Apache Tribe
Logo for San Carlos Apache Tribe

San Carlos Apache Tribe

San Carlos , AZ

Owned By

San Carlos Apache Tribe


The letters S, C, T and H are initials for "San Carlos Tribal Herd." The letters I, D and A are initials for "Interior Department–Agriculture." All letters in the pattern shown are branded on each tribal calf.


As written prior to February 2018: The San Carlos cattle program began in 1940 and operates on 869,000 acres in southeastern Arizona, with a carrying capacity of 1,400 head. Artificial breeding was used in the earlier years and in 1956 an individual sire breeding program has been in practice along with a spiral system of pasture management which enables pasture rotation and maximum use of forage. Calves produced are marketed through the Indian Cattlemen's Association and some are sold at Auctions in Phoenix and in Wilcox, Arizona. The tribe also raises bulls for its own use and for sale to other tribes.

Logo for Bradbury Land & Cattle Co.
Logo for Bradbury Land & Cattle Co.

Bradbury Land & Cattle Co.

Owned By

Tom Bradbury


Double Pot Hook


The ranch (where four Bradbury children were born and raised) is located one mile west and four miles south of Byers, Colorado. It is owned and operated by Tom Bradbury.

Logo for Flying S Ranch
Logo for Flying S Ranch

Flying S Ranch

Dallas , TX

Logo for Milligan Hereford Farms
Logo for Milligan Hereford Farms

Milligan Hereford Farms

Kings , IL

Owned By

James R. and Malcolm Milligan


Brand includes letters R J.


As written prior to February 2018: Herefords were a part of the Milligan family farm operation many years before the first registered herd was established by Harry Milligan (grandfather of present owners) in 1919 following his return from World War I. This herd was wiped out by bangs disease but was restarted and made a primary farm enterprise by Robert Milligan in 1945. Since then the Milligan operation has concentrated on producing good cattle, showing successfully at the Chicago's International, Kansas City's American Royal, Fort Worth's Southwestern Exposition and for 40 years showing and selling bulls in Denver's National Western Show. Currently the Milligan's sell about 70 bulls annually to buyers in Florida.

Logo for Bradbury Land & Cattle Co.
Logo for Bradbury Land & Cattle Co.

Bradbury Land & Cattle Co.

Byers , CO

Owned By

Thomas H. & Margaret E. Bradbury


Lazy T and standing O. Brand placed on left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch has been owned by Eva Nordloh and her family from June 25, 1906 until September 12, 1958 when purchased by the present owners who have both registered and commercial Herefords. The owners, Tom and Margaret, have four children who were raised on this ranch.

Logo for Bowling Herefords
Logo for Bowling Herefords

Bowling Herefords

Jefferson , OK

Owned By

Dan Bowling


Low bar with the letter D.


As written prior to February 2018: Dan Bowling has operated a registered herd for many years following the Colorado Domino strains in its foundation with later addition of Britisher, Standard Domino and D4 bulls.

Logo for Mrs. Murry J. Brown
Logo for Mrs. Murry J. Brown

Mrs. Murry J. Brown

Lodge Grass , MT

Owned By

Mrs. Harriett C. Brown


The brand includes the letter M joined to a reverse letter F.


As written prior to February 2018: The brand was recorded in 1908 by Jesse H. Criswell, father of Mrs. Harriett C. Brown (Mrs. Murry J. Brown). Upon retiring Mr. Criswell gave the brand to his grandson Murry James Brown, Jr., junior member of the Hereford breeding firm M. J. Brown & Son.

Logo for Jackson Hereford Ranch
Logo for Jackson Hereford Ranch

Jackson Hereford Ranch

Ranger , TX

Owned By

Joe Jackson


Letters JJ or Double J.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch secured its first registered Hereford in 1929 and has operated as a Hereford ranch through four generations of family ownership–Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joe Jackson, Tye and Jacob Jackson and Shirley Jackson.

Logo for Jack L. Cooper
Logo for Jack L. Cooper

Jack L. Cooper

Willow Creek , MT

Owned By

Jack L. Cooper


Brand is called a pick-branded on left rib.


As written prior to February 2018: Cooper Hereford Ranch sits nestled amidst the mountainous foothills of southwestern Montana, near where the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin Rivers converge to form the headwaters of the mighty Missouri River. Recorded as the Silver Brook Farm in 1914, the original homestead of 480 acres was settled by Frank Oscar Cooper. Eldest son Jack purchased the land from his father in 1946 and continued to run a general farming operation before purchasing his first registered Herefords of the Line 1 descent from the Miles City Range Station in 1947. Since that time, Cooper Herefords has remained steadfast in their belief that by maintaining a closed line of breeding they could increase the uniformity and predictability of their cowherd. The family has long been a proponent of performance testing as Jack was a charter member of both the Montana Beef Performance Association, formed in 1957, and AHA's Total Performance Records program established in 1964. By closely monitoring trait selection and performance testing for over 70 years Cooper Hereford Ranch has gained national recognition as a high quality seedstock program that is widely accepted by purebred producers and commercial cattlemen alike. Jack's son Mark returned to the ranch in 1977 after studying Ag-Production at Montana State University. Today, Mark and his wife Cristy work closely with the fourth generation (two of their four daughters, Kelsy and Katie, and son-in-law Dave Hanson). The Cooper family celebrated their 100 Year Anniversary as stewards of the land in 2014, and 2015 marked their 50th Annual Production Sale. The cowherd has significantly grown from the first 15 Line 1 Females purchased in 1957 to one consisting of over 200 registered Line 1 Herefords and approximately 150 head of recipient cows used for ET and IVF practices. The initial 480 acre farm has grown in size to 4000 acres and includes numerous center pivots and several wheel lines used to irrigate 1800 acres of farmland. The ranch produce close to 3000 tons of hay, 600 tons of sileage, and 500 acres of wheat annually. Over half of the hay produced is fed to their cattle with the remaining 1500 ton marketed to local and regional ranchers. The Coopers feel fortunate to have control over production of their feed and find satisfaction in selling a top quality product to fellow producers. They respect the beliefs and practices of previous generations and attempt to couple those with the progressive and innovative farming and ranching practices of today and future generations. The family believes strongly in the value of a hard day's work, and treating their customers and peers with integrity and honesty.

Logo for Copeland & Sons Herefords
Logo for Copeland & Sons Herefords

Copeland & Sons Herefords

Nara Visa , NM

Owned By

Jack Copeland & Family


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was established in 1943 (then called Jack Copeland and Sons Herefords) by Jack and Mary Alice Copeland and Jack’s parents Otis R. and Belinda Copeland. The ranch was strictly a commercial Hereford operation in the beginning and then diversified into a combination registered and commercial Hereford operation. Clifford and his wife Barbara took over the management of the ranch in 1959. In 1983 Cliff and his wife Pat moved home and joined the family operation. Finally, Matt makes the fifth generation to continue the quest of producing the best cattle possible for our customers.

Logo for Cobler Mountain Farms
Logo for Cobler Mountain Farms

Cobler Mountain Farms

Delaplane , VA

Owned By

Catherine W Tyssowski


The brand is for Cobbler Mountain Farms. It is also used as a prefix. It is unique in that CMF is registered with the U.S. Patent office and can be used only by the owner.


As written prior to February 2018: Cobbler Mountain Farms was established in 1926 at Delaplane, Virginia, 60 miles west of Washington, D.C., by Col. John Tyssowski with purebred Herefords. The herd of 100 cows has been an eastern leader receiving many honors and awards in major shows and sales and has sold into foreign countries.

Logo for Unknown (BB3)
Logo for Unknown (BB3)

Unknown (BB3)

Logo for Brainard Cattle Co.
Logo for Brainard Cattle Co.

Brainard Cattle Co.

Canadian , TX


Lazy letter B (thin) branded on the right hip. The brand has been used continously (as of 1986) for 98 years.


As written prior to Fall 2018: In 1944 E.S.F. (Bud) Brainard and his nephews Ben and Bill McIntire and niece Mary K. McIntire Christner formed the Brainard Cattle Co. which owns land in seven Texas counties. Their lazy B brand was registered by Bud's father E.H. Brainard who proved up a homestead in 1895 in Roberts County known as Johns Creek, four sections at a time and secured other land through dissolution of large ranches such as the Bar CC and the Hansford Land & Cattle Co.

Logo for E. H. Brainard II
Logo for E. H. Brainard II

E. H. Brainard II

Canadian , TX

Owned By

E. H. Brainard II


Lazy letter B over a bar-Lazy B bar on the right hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner is a partner in the Brainard Cattle Co. and continues to use the Brainard brand – Lazy B- but with a bar added. He runs the Johnscreek Ranch portion of the Brainard holdings operated by him, his father and cousins, producers of quality commercial Herefords rich in the blood of bulls purchased from CK Ranch.

Logo for E.S.F. Brainard
Logo for E.S.F. Brainard

E.S.F. Brainard

Canadian , TX

Owned By

E.S.F. Brainard


Lazy letter B (Lazy B) branded on the left hip. The lazy B brand is used also by the Brainard Cattle Co., but on the right hip.


As written prior to February 2018: E.S.F. (Bud) Brainard is a son of the pioneer rancher E.H. (Ed) Brainard and the property on which the Brainard commercial Herefords are run was accumulated from homesteading and purchases to total some 50,000 acres. Thus Bud Brainard's cattle continue to roam the Canadian breaks as they did in the early days and the herd continues the standards of high quality that has been characteristic of Brainard cattle for about 100 years.

Logo for Lodoen Herefords
Logo for Lodoen Herefords

Lodoen Herefords

Westhope , ND

Owned By

Leonard and Bette Lodoen


Letters L and H–a prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: Lodoen Herefords originated as a 4-H project in 1953 and performance testing became a part of the program in 1963. Son of the owners, James, served as a director of AJHA during 1979-82 and Leonard Lodoen was an AHA director during 1981-87 being president in 1986. Leonard Lodoen was honored as being the BIF Seedstock Producer of 1986. The farm holds its annual production sale in March.

Logo for La Azufrosa
Logo for La Azufrosa

La Azufrosa

Nueva Laredo , TX

Owned By

Alma Glorida Pide Resendez


The brand represents the archaic or old form of the Spanish capital G. The ranch uses the prefix letters AGR, initials of the owner's name.


As written prior to February 2018: Purchased in 1944 from Alfred Matthews by the Resendez family, the ranch is located 30 miles southwest of Nuevo Laredo in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. It's 10,000 acres are dedicated to commercial cattle and (since 1974) registered Herefords also. It is the only Hereford ranch in the region.

Logo for Leroux Ranch
Logo for Leroux Ranch

Leroux Ranch

Radium , CO

Owned By

Leroux Ranch


Lazy Y Seven


The Leroux Ranch, a Centennial Farm in Colorado, goes back to 3 original homesteaders: John Windslow, Owen Francis Leroux and William Roy Leroux.  John Windslow homesteaded in 1862. Owen Frances Leroux, a “Free Grazer”, finally settled down to a homestead in 1906 and William Roy Leroux Sr. homesteaded in 1930. These properties are located in the high mountains between Vail and Steamboat Springs near Radium Colorado.  The Lazy Y Seven brand has been used continuously.   As many Hereford operations began, Leroux Herefords started on July 26, 1949, with a 4H project when a neighbor, Fay Deberard, sold, 12-year-old, William Roy Leroux Jr.  his first registered Miss Colorado Dom 2.  Wiliam Roy Leroux Jr. and his siblings Stephen, Sally, Linda, and Michael all became members and began raising cattle as Leroux Herefords.  They became active in showing cattle locally and selling bulls at the Middle Park Bull Sale in Kremmling, Colorado. Linda was Colorado Hereford Queen in 1966.  The ranch is currently owned and operated by Michael, his wife Ann and their two children Daniel and Laura under the Leroux Land & Cattle LLC.

Logo for D I V Ranch
Logo for D I V Ranch

D I V Ranch

San Lorenzo , NM

Owned By

Will T. & Richard S. Graham


The DIV brand and prefix is part of the ranch name.


As written prior to February 2018: Located in the Mimbres River Valley, the ranch originated with Dr. Richard F. Stovall and the brand was registered in 1912, the year New Mexico became a state. The ranch was inherited by daughter and son-in-law Reina and Will T. Graham. Registered and commercial Herefords have been raised since 1912.

Logo for Schroeder Cattle Company
Logo for Schroeder Cattle Company

Schroeder Cattle Company

Palisade , NE

Owned By

Gene, Madeline and Chuck Schroeder


Backward letter S over figure 5.


As written prior to February 2018: The company began its registered operation in 1946 and now includes commercial cattle and custom feeding. Aggressive use of performance records and progeny testing produced pedigrees displaying numerous ROM and later Trait Leader performance sires. Show Sire of the Year, SC Classic, was also produced from this performance base.

Logo for Walker Polled Herefords
Logo for Walker Polled Herefords

Walker Polled Herefords

Morrison , TN

Owned By

Eric Walker


The “slash” W is freeze branded on the left shoulder of all the bulls and females born on the farm.


As written June 2018: Eric Walker and family has been breeding Herefords since 1981. The herd consists of approximately 200 brood cows. Most of the bloodlines are Polled , but on occasion some Horned blood is introduced into the gene pool. The farm has hosted 20 production Sales. Walker Genetics have been sold to 42 States, Canada , Mexico, and the United Kingdom. A few years ago the operation adopted the brand /W. Walker Herefords has an extensive AI and ET program. Performance testing and collecting carcass data is a priority for the breeding program. Eric has served as a board of director of the American Hereford Association and was Chairman in 2015. Visitors are always welcome to take a tour of the herd.

Logo for Steen Hereford Ranch - TX
Logo for Steen Hereford Ranch - TX

Steen Hereford Ranch – TX

Marfa , TX

Owned By

Jim Bob And Katheryn Steen


Letter J with the letter K joined.


As written prior to February 2018: Jim Bob and Kathryn Steen began their registered herd in 1953 and started using this brand which combines the first letters of their names. It is still in use on the registered Herefords of Steen Hereford Ranch in Marfa, Texas.

Logo for M Lazy M Ranch
Logo for M Lazy M Ranch

M Lazy M Ranch

Burns , WY

Owned By

R. Gail Anderson


M with and attached lazy M.


As written prior to February 2018: The registered herd was established in 1942. In earlier years bulls were merchandised in Wyoming consignment sales but since 1973 the ranch has its own annual sale. The present herd of 200 cows headed by top sires has been performance testing since 1956 and has been enrolled in TPR since its beginning.

Logo for Green Gulch Ranch
Logo for Green Gulch Ranch

Green Gulch Ranch

Vinton , CA

Owned By

W. Byrd & Jeanne Harrison


Letter H with hanging letter X attached.


As written prior to February 2018: This is a registered Hereford (100 cows) and a commercial Hereford (300 cows) operation located in the Sierra Nevadas of Northern California. The outfit was founded by George Wheelwright but was sold in 1975 to the present owners.

Logo for Largent & Sons Hereford Ranch
Logo for Largent & Sons Hereford Ranch

Largent & Sons Hereford Ranch

Wilsall , MT

Owned By

Largent & Sons


The brand combines the letter L, figure 3 and a bar – L Three Bar.


As written prior to February 2018: Largent and Sons has been a registered Hereford Operation continuously since 1902. In the early 1950's a commercial Hereford herd was added and has since been maintained. Based in Texas for nearly 60 years the Largent and Sons operation was moved to Montana in 1970.

Logo for Warner-Borum-Borum
Logo for Warner-Borum-Borum


Muskogee , OK

Owned By

W. S. Warner Sr., W. S. Warner Jr., Albert D Borum, Richard C. Borum


Triangle B (attached) for broken heart.


As written prior to February 2018: A ranch of over 9,500 acres and 2,000 cattle which was founded by E. S. Warner and R. C. Borum in 1909–now under the longest continuous family ownership in northeastern Oklahoma. This is the first herd in the state to be innoculated for Brucellosis. The first Soil Conservation Watershed in Northeast Oklahoma was started here.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Baker Hereford Ranch
Logo for Baker Hereford Ranch

Baker Hereford Ranch

Rapid City , SD

Owned By

Ken Baker & Sons


Lazy E and lazy S joined. Brand placed on the right rib.


As written prior to February 2018: After returning from World War II Ken Baker established his herd in 1946 on Anxiety 4 and Beau Aster breeding. Sons of HDR Real Onward 166 made progress and since 1970 the cow herd has consisted of Line One females and bulls from Miles City, Stan Lund and Jack Cooper. The home raised KB L1 Domino 7212 has been used as well as KB L1 Domino 907.

Logo for Bolin Hereford Ranch
Logo for Bolin Hereford Ranch

Bolin Hereford Ranch

McKinney , TX

Owned By

W. Perry Bolin


The brand includes the letters P and B with the P reversed and joined with the B on the same bar.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner has been involved with registered Herefords for 33 years (as of 1986) with ranches at McKinney, Fort McKavett, and Mason Texas. At present the herd is a small, select herd of registered Hereford embryo cattle located at Mason, Texas.

Logo for Crossed Sabers Ranch
Logo for Crossed Sabers Ranch

Crossed Sabers Ranch

San Francisco , CA

Owned By

Allan R. Carpenter


The crossed sabers brand is recorded with the Oregon Stat Department of Agriculture. On cattle it is applied to hip, rib, shoulder and neck–on horses to hip, shoulder, stifle and jaw.


As written prior to February 2018: The Crossed Sabers brand was adopted by the owner because of his horse cavalry background and mechanized cavalry service before and during World War II. The ranch in Eastern Wallowa County, Oregon was started in 1984 and is stocked with 300 commercial and 100 purebred Hereford cows with Line One and Mark Donald bloodlines predominantly. A third line, F.R. Carpenter bloodline, is planned for the future.

Logo for Wiese & Sons
Logo for Wiese & Sons

Wiese & Sons

Manning , IA

Owned By

Gene Wiese and family


While actually a brand, the W&S is more often used as a logo to represent the firm, Wiese and Sons.


As written prior to February 2018: Located one mile east and one-half mile south of Manning, Iowa, just off Rt. 141, the Wiese firm has operated a purebred Hereford establishment since 1913 under four generations (soon to include the fifth) of family ownership. While the firm has exhibited in major shows and gained a substantial share of the principal awards including the bull grand championship at the 1977 National Western Stock Show (Grand Slam) the emphasis has been the production in volume of "Good Doin' Bulls."

Logo for Libby Cattle Co.
Logo for Libby Cattle Co.

Libby Cattle Co.

Bueyeros , NM

Owned By

Norman W. Libby Sr. and Jr.


Circle bar.


As written prior to February 2018: Norman Libby Joined his father-in-law in the New Mexico ranching operation in 1927 and assumed management in 1940. Then in 1950 he and his wife took over and built the registered Hereford herd to almost 500 cows. A registered herd of 50 to 100 cows remains with the outfit now grown to 80,000 acres and 5,000 commercial cows with concentration on practical, performing cows that produce steers and heifers that meet the market demand. The long-bodied, growthy cattle, unpopular in the 1950's and 60's were produced then and continue in production today.

Logo for Granite Hills Hereford Ranch
Logo for Granite Hills Hereford Ranch

Granite Hills Hereford Ranch

Llano , TX

Owned By

Gene Whitehead


The Goose Egg brand.


As written prior to February 2018: Granite Hills was originally owned by J. C. Stribling who developed the Hereford herd and Goose Egg brand in 1896. The property passed to H. A. Fitzsimmons who brought further fame as a Hereford establishment. In 1961 the ranch was purchased by Frank Late and Gene Whitehead continuing the Hereford prominence. The herd was dispersed and the partnership dissolved but Mr. Whitehead continues with part of the ranch and some 200 registered cows. James Grote has been the manager since 1964.

Logo for 5 B's Cattle Co.
Logo for 5 B's Cattle Co.

5 B’s Cattle Co.

Twin Bridges , MT

Owned By

Dean Thompson, Byron, Bayers, Pauline Bayer, Rich Bayers, Jill bayers, Van Alstyne and Kathy Bayers Jones


The lazy J with hanging L is branded on the left shoulder.


As written prior to February 2018: The owners of this outfit have 108 years of cattle experience. Dean Thompson is a past president of the Tennessee Hereford Association and AHA Presidents Council. Byron Bayers is past AHA President and delegate at the 1976 World Hereford Conference. They both have participated in all phases of the TPR Program and use the Reference Sire Program as basis for their breeding program.

Logo for Grand Meadows Farm
Logo for Grand Meadows Farm

Grand Meadows Farm

PO Box 550 Ada , MI 49301

Owned By

Dave & Jill Bielema


G Lazy M


Grand Meadows is situated on the banks of the Grand River in Ada, Michigan. The meadows adjoining it are pastoral, fertile and are well suited for Hereford cattle. GMF was established in 2000 and is a family run seedstock operation with a sizeable freezer beef business. Our family has had the privilege of being involved with many aspects of the American Hereford Association.

Logo for Hall-Nance Ranches
Logo for Hall-Nance Ranches

Hall-Nance Ranches

Haslet , TX

Owned By

L. E. (Sonny) Nance and Lottie B. Johnson


The letters H and N, joined. The brand was selected at the beginning to the Hall and Nance partnership.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was established in 1955 as a combination commercial and registered Hereford operation; however it was changed to an entirely registered outfit in 1958. During the peak years the herd numbered 500 cows with cattle being sold into 39 states and seven foreign countries.

Logo for Happy Hereford Ranch
Logo for Happy Hereford Ranch

Happy Hereford Ranch

Happy , TX

Owned By

Walter Graham


Brand is a dollar sign, placed on the left jaw.


As written prior to February 2018: Double J (JJ) Hereford heifers from the famous JA Ranch formed the base for the foundation of this herd in 1906 in Briscoe County, Texas. The registered herd was started in 1936 in Randall County, Texas. The family's fourth generation is now involved as the ranch and Graham family continue to raise quality, range-raised registered bulls and heifers that have been sold to repeat buyers from 37 states and five foreign countries.

Logo for Harry Darby
Logo for Harry Darby

Harry Darby

Kansas City , KS

Owned By

Harry Darby


The brand combines a lazy H with a joined below hanging D, initials of the owner.


As written prior to February 2018: Mr. Darby registered his brand when he started farming upon his return from serving as an officer in World War I in 1920. There are now six Darby farms totaling some 4,000 acres located in Johnson, Douglas and Wyandotte Counties in Kansas stocked with commercial Herefords that stem from an original foundation of purebred and a succession of top caliber bulls. Darby Herefords are consistent market toppers and through gifts are substantial parts of the research herds at Kansas and Oklahoma state universities.

Logo for The Prairie Cross
Logo for The Prairie Cross

The Prairie Cross

Sherman , IL

Owned By

Fred & Elaine Nessler


P with line underneath.


As written February 2016: The Nessler/Janssen Farm dates back to Fred's maternal grandfather, Fred Janssen and is father Ube' Janssen in the late 1800's. Ube' Janssen began as a tenant farmer for the Scully Estates. His son, Frederick Martin Janssen, followed him in the farming and livestock operation. Fred Janssen raised Hereford cattle in the mid 50's and 60's. In 2005 Fred and Elaine Nessler along with their daughter, Elizabeth, sought to re-start the family Herford operation. They now own approximately 100 Hereford females.

Logo for Venhuizen Herefords
Logo for Venhuizen Herefords

Venhuizen Herefords

Manhattan , MT

Owned By

John Venhuizen


Prefix letters are initials of the owner.


As written prior to February 2018: The Venhuizen family started in the registered Hereford business in 1960 with Line One bulls used on cows of Britisher Mischief breeding. Mr. Venhuizen is the only breeder to continuously test bulls at the Midland Performance Test Center since its inception. Venhuizen cattle are shown at every major U.S. and Canadian show with their crowning achievement being JV Domino 967 ("JJ") which was the first bull to be Show Bull of the Year with 506 points.

Logo for Barber Ranch
Logo for Barber Ranch

Barber Ranch

Channing , TX

Owned By

Barber Ranch LLC (Dale, Mary, Brett, Terri, Jason & Justin Barber)


Bar O on Left Hip.


As written June 2019: When Mary's granddad started their operation in 1904 they branded with the "O". When Dale and Mary took over operations they incorporated the bar above the O – our current day brand – signifying the standard was set high and above the original where we always aspire our program to be. When read aloud, the brand name "bar none" is also our goal – to borrow none! Located northwest of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle, Barber Ranch has been family owned and operated since 1904, running purebred Hereford cattle. The cowherd currently consists of 300 Horned and Polled Hereford cows. Barber Ranch has been family owned for over 115 years and is an honoree of the Texas Family Land Heritage Program for 100+ years of continuous land ownership and agriculture production by the same family. At Barber Ranch, family comes first. Three generations are currently involved in the day-to-day operations of the ranch. Visit us on a summer day and you are likely to find the eldest generation Dale and Mary riding horseback checking pastures, the second-generation Brett bailing hay with Justin working a set of calves, and grandkids Bryden, Aidyn, Beckett and Henley working on show cattle in the barn. While daughter Terri, son Jason, and granddaughter Rylee are not on the ranch full-time, they stay involved through the marketing and promotion of Barber Ranch cattle through live and online sales and at shows throughout the country.

Logo for Massey Ranch
Logo for Massey Ranch

Massey Ranch

Wickett , TX

Owned By

Sam Massey


The brand, flying M, is placed on the left shoulder.


As written prior to February 2018: Sam Massey is the third generation owner of this ranch established in 1919 with commercial Herefords. Registered Herefords were added in 1963. The ranch is also home of one of the first Braford herds to participate in the AHA registry and home for the nationally prominent Lone Star Beef Cattle Testing Center. The herd is a source for high performing seedstock in West Texas and Southern New Mexico.

Logo for Seth Campbell
Logo for Seth Campbell

Seth Campbell

Kermit , TX

Owned By

Seth Campbell


Brand is known as Rafter S.


As written prior to February 2018: The Rafter S brand was recorded by Seth Campbell in Winkler County, Texas in 1906, the year the county was organized.

Logo for Lawrence Herefords
Logo for Lawrence Herefords

Lawrence Herefords

Coon Rapids , MN

Owned By

Douglas & JoAnn Lawrence and family, Bryan & Marytina, Montana, Wyatt, Wade & Wynn, Bradley & Brigitte, Dawson & Hutton


A capital "L" joined at the top of a capital "H". LH is used in naming Our cattle


As written prior to February 2018: The main office is located in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. In 1993, a farm purchased in Princeton, Minnesota, where the cattle are managed by son, Bryan and family. In 1957, Ralph E. Lawrence, Douglas' father, purchased a farm in Coon Rapids, MN and bought three registered Hereford cows with a calf at their sides, one for each of his sons. This would be the beginning of what is known today as Lawrence Herefords. The 4th generation of Lawrence's are now involved in raising and showing Herefords. Domino and Zato Heir would make up the pedigrees in 1957 and Domino is still found in the pedigrees in 2009. By the early 70's changes would be made. The majority of the herd would be dispersed and Douglas would retain only a few of the best cows and heifers as he continued in the Hereford business. In order to expand their operation, Doug and JoAnn purchased the Coon Rapids farm from Doug's parents. As Doug worked to develop and improve his cow herd, he selected bloodlines from Wiese and Sons, Manning, IA. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer would be used to expand genetics and develop a uniform herd.

Logo for Hefley Herefords
Logo for Hefley Herefords

Hefley Herefords

Briscoe , TX

Owned By

Dennis J. Hefley


The prefix letters D.J.H. are the initials of the owner.


As written prior to February 2018: The headquarters of Hefley Herefords was purchased by the owner's grandfather in 1939 who began operations in 1973 on 1,120 acres. The registered herd was established in 1981 with 19 cows from Jake Hess followed by purchases from Indian Mound Ranch and Lone Star Herefords. The ranch now consists of 4,575 acres and includes both registered and commercial cows.

Logo for Thomason Hereford Farms
Logo for Thomason Hereford Farms

Thomason Hereford Farms

Alva , OK

Owned By

Benton and Bill Thomason


Brand includes a lazy T joined to the figure 3 – Lazy T three. It was registered in Oklahoma in 1950 when owned by Benton and Sons–Bill and Charles. It is applied to the right hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranch: Rural Route 1, Red Rock, Oklahoma 74651. Thomason Herefords, established in 1931 by Benton Thomason, is now a father-son partnership that includes 200 registered cows. The herd has produced winners at numerous steer shows. Bulls have been performance tested continuously since 1966 at PSU, Goodwell, Oklahoma, with a large number being test winners.

Logo for Chandler Herefords, Inc.
Logo for Chandler Herefords, Inc.

Chandler Herefords, Inc.

Baker , OR

Owned By

The Charles Chandler Family


Broken Circle


As written prior to February 2018: Possibly the oldest herd in continuous family ownership in America being founded in 1889 by George and Herbert Chandler remaining in Charles Chandler family ownership. Grand champion carloads of bulls shown in Denver in 1917 and 1957. Mark Donald breeding (son of Donald Domino 16 and Miss Mark 34 and a champion of many shows in 1939-40-41) is the basic bloodline of the cow herd today.

Logo for Lynda E. Mitchell
Logo for Lynda E. Mitchell

Lynda E. Mitchell

Albert , NM

Owned By

Lynda E. Mitchell


Brand is a bar above the letter K–Bar K on the left hip of cattle and horses.


As written prior to February 2018: The brand was given to the owner at birth and is used on her personal cattle on the Tequesquite Ranch, the Mitchell family.

Logo for Sam Fambro & Sons
Logo for Sam Fambro & Sons

Sam Fambro & Sons

Breckenridge , TX

Owned By

Sam & Betty Fambro and sons, Sammy, Gary and Joey


The brand is Rafter F.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was founded by Sam and Betty Fambro in 1941 in Stephens County, Texas beginning with commercial cows. Registered Herefords were added in 1970 so that both registered and commercial herds are maintained. Their sons Sammy, Gary and Joey joined the enterprise as they grew up.

Logo for Royce B. Kinney Hereford Farm
Logo for Royce B. Kinney Hereford Farm

Royce B. Kinney Hereford Farm

Pleasant Hill , OH

Owned By

Royce B. Kinney Family


The letters R, V and K joined with a bar above.


As written prior to February 2018: Farm located at Belmont, Ohio. One of the oldest operating herds in Ohio, the owner started in 1940 and followed a succession of bloodlines to the present–Woodford, Vagabond Mischief, Colorado Domino, Turner Ranch and Hazlett, Dr. G. T. Easley, Onward Domino, Healey's War Lord and lately, Titan, Lerch and David. The 75 cow, registered herd is maintained on grassy hills of Eastern Ohio for summer pastures and in corn stalk fields of West Central Ohio in Winter. Mr. Kinney was named the state's Breeder of the Year by the Ohio Hereford Association.

Logo for Gary S. McDonald & Family
Logo for Gary S. McDonald & Family

Gary S. McDonald & Family

Fort Collins , CO

Owned By

Gary S. McDonald & Family


Slash Seven. Brand registered in Larimer County, Colorado. Is one of Colorado's oldest recorded brands. All locations, but used left hip in cows and bulls, left rib on yearlings.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranching operations in three-state area, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. Primarily cow-calf operations using a Hereford-base cowherd with black and red baldy crosses. Some purchased yearlings are run depending on market, year and feed conditions. Weaner calves are fed in a warm-up program in family's northern Colorado feedlot and then fed to slaughter weights in area commercial feedyards. Retained ownership has been a practice since 1970. McDonald's Ft. Collins residence was also home base for his sales management firm, United Livestock Brokers, Inc., which was a prominent Hereford sales management firm under his ownership during the 1970's and early 80's. McDonald was a member of the AHA-AHJ staff in the late 1960's, and has remained closely associated with the breed since that time.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for F Ranch
Logo for F Ranch

F Ranch

Quannah , TX

Owned By

Floyd Richardson


The letter F is branded on the left hip and jaw.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner bought this ranch in 1927 and stocked it with commercial cows moved from his father's ranch. He began living on the ranch in 1932 and in 1934 bought the foundation purebreds – 10 registered heifer calves of Prince Domino breeding later adding females from Born Herefords. Prince Domino Return bulls were used several years. Herd now includes 60 registered cows.

Logo for Sellkirk Land Company
Logo for Sellkirk Land Company

Sellkirk Land Company

Dillon , MT

Owned By

Sellkirk Land Company


Lazy 8.


As written prior to February 2018: This ranch was formerly owned and operated by Kenneth Lundberg under the name, Selkirk Hereford Ranch, founding the purebred herd there with Gibbs Rehm as manager. The ranch is unique in that the water source is a huge spring that provides water for the cattle and for irrigation entirely by gravity flow. The ranch continues under another ownership producing outstanding cattle from the commercial cow-calf operation.

Logo for Eidson Ranch, Inc.
Logo for Eidson Ranch, Inc.

Eidson Ranch, Inc.

Lovington , NM

Owned By

Robert (Bob) E. & Juandell Eidson


Cross of the letters H and E joined–the Cross HE.


As written prior to February 2018: The Eidson operation consists of two ranches in Lea County, one of 50 sections and another of 35 sections with 150 registered Herefords and 600 commercial Herefords. The Cross HE was the Millard Eidson brand about 70 years ago and it is still used by the Eidson family.

Logo for C S Ranch
Logo for C S Ranch

C S Ranch

Cimarron , NM

Owned By

C S Cattle Co.


The letters C and S branded on the right rib of cattle, right shoulder on horses.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was founded in 1873 by Frank Springer who originally ran native cattle but in 1881 the Hereford herd of Benjamin Hershey of Muscatine, Iowa was purchased and shipped to Cimarron. High quality Herefords have been the product ever since with the present herd consisting of 3,000 commercial Hereford cows. The C S Ranch is a family owned and operated enterprise also noted for fine Quarter horses and Thoroughbred race horses.

Logo for Shaw Hereford Ranch
Logo for Shaw Hereford Ranch

Shaw Hereford Ranch

Caldwell , ID

Owned By

Tom Shaw-Tim Shaw-Greg Shaw


The letter C with a lazy S (C lazy S) is used on the right hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Shaw Herefords was started in 1946 by Tom Shaw. Now with sons Tim and Greg they run over 500 mother cows in a herd that was developed on a complete Performance program. The basic bloodlines include Mark Donald, Peerless, Line One and Canadian strains. Females and 200 bulls are sold annually.

Logo for Indian Mound Ranch
Logo for Indian Mound Ranch

Indian Mound Ranch

Canadian , TX

Owned By

Wayne and Gayle Haygood with children Leslie, Lee and Mary


Letters IMR are used as a prefix for naming Herefords. No branding is done at this ranch.


As written prior to February 2018: The name Indian Mound Ranch is an offshoot from Indian Mound Farm in Indiana which Wayne managed from 1964 to 1981 during which time he sent registered cattle from Indiana to his family homeplace in Texas to found the IMR herd. Bob Mayfield has been an 18-year employee helping to build the IMR herd which is based largely on Indian Mound Farms products of Cooper, Holden, Lund and Stevens bloodlines.

Logo for Ollerich Brothers Herefords
Logo for Ollerich Brothers Herefords

Ollerich Brothers Herefords

Clearfield , SD

Owned By

Jerome & James Ollerich


J with another J laying on the top of the other.


As written March 2016: Ollerich Brothers started in the Hereford business in November of 1969, as a 4-H project. In 1978 we bought our current ranch in Western South Dakota, in the brand area of South Dakota.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Pecan Hills Herefords
Logo for Pecan Hills Herefords

Pecan Hills Herefords

Atoka , OK

Owned By

Ray and Kathryn Glover


Brand includes the initials from the name of the outfit with the two H letters joined. PHH is the prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: From 1926 to 1975 this was a commercial cattle ranch. Registered Herefords were added in 1975. Today there is little difference in quality between the two divisions since emphasis has always been on stout, aggressive bulls with big cows that raise a calf annually with only winter feed as an added help.

Logo for Foster S. & Frank Price
Logo for Foster S. & Frank Price

Foster S. & Frank Price

Sterling City , TX

Owned By

Foster S. & Frank Price


The brand and prefix include the initials (FP) of the senior owner, Foster Price.


As written prior to February 2018: The registered Herefords were established in 1938 to raise top range bulls for the commercial cattle originally purchased from Foster's grandfather, W. L. Price. Efforts to improve growth in commercial cattle led to good market for surplus bulls. Herd bulls such as RC Mischief K73, Montana Domino 70028 have been in the herd bull battery as has (the 1986 year) HHR L1 Domino 819.

Logo for Tash Livestock Co., Inc.
Logo for Tash Livestock Co., Inc.

Tash Livestock Co., Inc.

Polaris , MT

Owned By

Tash Families


Combining the letters D and L.


As written prior to February 2018: Founded in 1898 by W. S. Tash, the outfit is now in the fifth generation of family ownership. The first Hereford bulls were purchased in 1906 and the registered herd was founded in 1921 with females from the Lester Thompson herd of Bozeman, Montana. The first herd bull was of Beau Panama breeding from the A. B. Cook dispersal.

Logo for BB Cattle Co.
Logo for BB Cattle Co.

BB Cattle Co.

Connell , WA

Owned By

W.T. Bennett and family


The letter B used twice to form the herd's prefix–for the initial of the company and the owner, Bill Bennett.


As written prior to February 2018: The BB herd started as part of a partnership with Harold Thompson in 1963 but became a separate entity in 1969 before the herd–475 registered cows and 10 herd bulls–were sold to Howard Stone to found the herd at Stone Ranch. Today the BB herd consists of 1,200 breeding females with the basic bloodlines being Mark Donald, Line One and the Canadian Prince Dominos and is operated by the W. T. (Bill) Bennett family which is also involved with a 1,000 cow Braford enterprise.

Logo for Mackenzie Ranch
Logo for Mackenzie Ranch

Mackenzie Ranch

Jordan Valley , OR

Owned By

The Duncan Mackenzie Family Mackenzie Ranch


Running Yoke T Branded on left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: A commercial Hereford operation located in the "hard" Jordan Valley of Oregon that annually produces 20,000 calves for the beef industry. The ranch uses years of experience coupled with TPR and EPD information to produce straight-bred Herefords that truly "span the industry."

Logo for Loewen Herefords
Logo for Loewen Herefords

Loewen Herefords

Waukomis , OK

Owned By

John & Mona Loewen


Letters HVH.


As written May 2018: In the early 1900's, Mona's grandfather started coming to Northwest Oklahoma from Wichita, Kansas as he drove his team and wagon to the Salt Plains near Cherokee, Oklahoma. There he would get wagon loads of salt for his butcher shop. Eventually, he purchased farmland and moved his family to this area. Soon after he bought his first Hereford cattle. Harold V. Hunter, his son and Mona's father, purchased his first registered Herefords in 1936 and Herefords have been here since. Our brand is Harold's initials HVH. John came into the family business when he and Mona were married in 1960 and were given the pick of the bred heifers as a wedding present. Harold served as President of the Oklahoma association several times and Chairman of the APHA. John also served as President of the Oklahoma association and served on the AHA, CHB and HYFA boards. Our three children showed Herefords as they were growing up. Our sons, Ron and Rob, showed cattle at the first Polled Junior National show. Our daughter, Jennifer, showed cattle and was National Queen of the APHA in 1987-88. The cattle are now owned by Mona and John as Loewen Herefords and still carry the HVH brand. There is a sense of satisfaction when we visit a top cowherd and the HVH brand appears on some of their Hereford cattle.

Logo for Healey Brothers
Logo for Healey Brothers

Healey Brothers

Davis , OK

Owned By

Burke & Skip Healey


The Flying L brand is used but in naming purebred Herefords the prefix "FL" is used as part of the name.


As written prior to February 2018: The Flying L, a registered Hereford operation since 1940, has been owned and operated since 1950 by the Healey Brothers–Burke and Skip. They have owned several Denver champions, Trait Leaders, ROM, super ROM and National Reference Sires and numerous record setting sires from the Oklahoma State University and Midland Test Stations.

Logo for Emerald Prairie Farm
Logo for Emerald Prairie Farm

Emerald Prairie Farm

Lathrop , MO

Owned By

Damian J. and Steven L. Hogan


The brand is a "4 M Square" – placed on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Emerald Prairie Farm was established in Prescott, Iowa in 1941 and was moved to the present location in 1973. Registered Herefords have been raised and marketed continuously since the herd was started.

Logo for Terry R. Mitchell
Logo for Terry R. Mitchell

Terry R. Mitchell

Albert , NM

Owned By

Terry R. Mitchell


Triangle – used on left hip of cattle and horses.


As written prior to February 2018: The brand was a gift to the owner when he was born. It is used on his personal cattle that are part of the Tequesquite Ranch herd.

Logo for Sutor Hereford Farms
Logo for Sutor Hereford Farms

Sutor Hereford Farms

Zurich , KS

Owned By

Darrell Sutor Family


The brand includes a bar joined to a lazy S followed by a joined bar – Bar Lazy S Bar.


As written prior to February 2018: The Sutor Ranch as it has been known for many years was founded by Martin and Henry Sutor about 1880. The first registered Herefords came in 1897 and the Hereford tradition was carried on by Earl and Darrell Sutor. Today the ranch is managed by Chris and Lorna Pelton, Darrell's son-in-law and daughter.

Logo for American Hereford Association
Logo for American Hereford Association

American Hereford Association

Kansas City , MO

Owned By

American Hereford Association


Headquarters building located at 11500 N. Ambassador, Suite 410. The association's initials have been used in many ways: in abbreviation for the name as a logo in advertising, etc., and possibly first when fashioned into a semblance of a brand for the pull handles on the entrance doors at the former headquarters at 715 Hereford Drive.


No farm–no ranch–The home of one of the world's largest purebred registries now approaching a total registry volume of Twenty Two Million registered Herefords, all accumulated in the Association's history which dates from June 22, 1881.

Logo for Harvey Hereford Ranch
Logo for Harvey Hereford Ranch

Harvey Hereford Ranch

Alamogordo , NM

Owned By

Harvey Investment Co.


The brand–and H above a running U–is the property of E. P. (Phil) Harvey, Jr.


As written prior to February 2018: Phil Harvey Jr., manages this family corporation owned operation that has ranches at Alamogordo, Cloudcroft and Carrizozo, New Mexico with farms at Las Cruces. The Hereford herd was founded by Charles M. Harvey with the purchase of the Thomas Fortune Ryan herd of Three Rivers, New Mexico in 1926 and the herds of Bryan Williams, Post, Texas, and W. C. Dinwiddie, Tulia, Texas, in 1943. Currently the herd consists of 120 registered cows and 1,000 commercial females.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Robert W. & Katherine H. Wagstaff
Logo for Robert W. & Katherine H. Wagstaff

Robert W. & Katherine H. Wagstaff

Bondurant , WY

Owned By

Robert W. & Katherine H. Wagstaff


Bar with a lazy letter W


As written prior to February 2018: Little Jennie Ranch at Bondurant, WY and Rancho De Las Colines at Alma, KS: The owners operate herds of approximately 2,000 mother cows and steers. They crossbreed Herefords with Angus and are pleased with the results. They have been in the ranching business upwards of 25 years.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Lowanna Stud
Logo for Lowanna Stud

Lowanna Stud

Flowerdale , AL

Owned By

James P. Racovolis, President


Not a brand but a logo for this well established Australian breeding stud.


As written prior to February 2018: This pedigree Hereford stud was established in 1959 by Mr. Laurie Platts, on the English bloodlines of Tarrington and Fall Town studs. The entire stud was purchased by Mr. Racovolis in 1985 and relocated at Flowerdale, 85 km. northeast of Melbourne. Selection has always been for temperament, quality, length, size, milking ability and eye pigment. Many honors at major Australian shows as well as a record of higher average priced auctions have been achieved by this establishment. In recent years top U.S. Hereford sires have been introduced through imported bulls and semen from the highest ranking U.S. sires.

Logo for Orvis Herefords
Logo for Orvis Herefords

Orvis Herefords

Farmington , CA

Owned By

Jim Orvis & Sons


Horseshoe brand placed on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The operation located 10 miles east of Farmington, California, on Highway 4, includes both registered and commercial Herefords and features the performance sires: C Yampa Duke 3, TRC L1 Domino 1125, "Frisco," Enforcer 514M ET, FRC Yampa King 11 and Le Grand Dom 11 in 1986.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Hudson Herefords
Logo for Hudson Herefords

Hudson Herefords

Harrison , AR

Owned By

Richard and Wes Hudson


Rather than a brand this is a symbol or logo for Hudson Herefords.


As written prior to February 2018: The herd was established in 1939 by Ralph Hudson and registered Herefords have been raised continuously since that date. Present herd is strongly influenced by acquisition of SC Classic in the 1981 Denver sale. This bull has become a trait leader in the National Reference Sire Program and was the 1985 Show Sire of the Year.

Logo for Circle H Farm
Logo for Circle H Farm

Circle H Farm

Cleveland , MS

Owned By

J.A. Howarth, Jr.


The letters CHF with the H circled provide a logo or symbol for Circle H Farm.


As written prior to February 2018: Circle H Farm lies in the famous Mississippi Delta area growing wheat, soybeans, rice and registered Herefords. The first Circle H Herefords were purchased in 1967 from Bridwell Hereford Ranch. Since then through a planned breeding program blending Sam Donald, Beau Donald and Line One bloodlines Circle H is producing the "Delta" strain of Herefords.

Logo for T Cross Ranches
Logo for T Cross Ranches

T Cross Ranches

Colorado Springs , CO

Owned By

Robert C. Norris


The letter T with a cross is branded on the left side of cattle, the left shoulder on Quarter Horses.


As written prior to February 2018: T Cross (T+) was the first brand registered in the state of Colorado and since 1954 it has been carried on top performance purebred and commercial Herefords and Quarter Horses owned by the Robert C. Norris family headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Logo for Rafter Ranch, Inc.
Logo for Rafter Ranch, Inc.

Rafter Ranch, Inc.

Wise River , MT

Owned By

Donald or Liz Jones


The rafter brand is placed so that it connects over the tailhead and thus can be seen from both sides of the animal.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch is located in the Big Hole Valley of Montana and operated by third generation family members. It has been a family operation since 1910 and combines both registered and commercial Herefords. Visitors are always welcome.

Logo for Sandhill Farms
Logo for Sandhill Farms

Sandhill Farms

Haviland , KS

Owned By

Kevin Schultz


'+ in quarter circle. Brand placed on left hip.


As written May 2018: Found in Edwards county in south central Kansas, our ranch was first homesteaded in 1869. We still have the original documents signed by then President Grover Cleveland and President Chester Arthur. After years of growth, these 320 acres are still the headquarters for our operation. The brand, + in quarter circle found on the left hip, has been in the family for an unknown number of years. Cattle were shipped by railroad to the markets of Kansas City. Commercial Hereford cattle have grazed the land for many generations. The registered seedstock business was started in 1978 with the purchase of the first registered female.

Logo for Franklin Herefords
Logo for Franklin Herefords

Franklin Herefords

Meeker , CO

Owned By

B. P. Franklin


Reverse letter F with two parallel slash marks leaning to the left.


As written prior to February 2018: A 50-year-old operation with the herd based on linebred Colorado Domino-Real Prince Domino bloodlines aimed toward serving the commercial cattle industry with proven genetics for feed efficiency and doing ability and cows that milk. Franklin Herefords have a long history of participation in the Denver carload bull show.

Logo for Lanier Hereford Farm
Logo for Lanier Hereford Farm

Lanier Hereford Farm

Jachin , AL

Owned By

W. R. Lanier


Figure 4 bar F, joined. Applied to left shoulder. Brand registered with the Alabama Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Industry.


As written prior to February 2018: Cow herd features Line One, D4, Brae Arden, Beau Donald and Canadian bloodlines. The annual sale is held in early winter, usually November or December.

Logo for Colyer Herefords Inc.
Logo for Colyer Herefords Inc.

Colyer Herefords Inc.

Bruneau , ID

Owned By

Guy and Sherry Colyer & Family


C Lazy J


Ranch has been in the family since 1933.Registered Hereford and Angus operation located in Owyhee County in Idaho.

Logo for Middleswarth Hereford Ranch
Logo for Middleswarth Hereford Ranch

Middleswarth Hereford Ranch

Torrington , WY

Owned By

Jay & Marsha Middleswarth


6M – for the Middleswarth family – was first registered in 1916 and has been every year since.


As written prior to February 2018: 1938 – Family moved from the homestead in Cheyenne to a ranch in Wheatland, WY. 1942 – Established the purebred Hereford herd. 1945 – Ed Middleswarth expanded the ranch operation to include areas in Torrington, WY and Henry, NE. 1957 – Ed purchased CK Crustysevtwo 72d, founding sire of the Cruszerio Hereford family. 1959 – First annual production sale was held at the ranch. 1970 – Ed purchased RC Mischief D4, one of the most dominant bulls of the Hereford breed. 1975 – Middleswarth bulls claimed the grand championship of the carload division at the Denver National Western Stock Show. 1982 – Ranch operation expanded to include Salers cattle. 1991 – Ed passed away and son, Jay, took the lead role in the ranch operation. 1992 – Purchased MCE Topline 900Y, which became a Salers breed leader and a featured bull for the Salers Association. 1999 – The ranch conducted it's 40th consecutive production sale.

Logo for Debter Hereford Farm
Logo for Debter Hereford Farm

Debter Hereford Farm

Horton , AL

Owned By

Ross, Glynn, James and Perry Debter


The brand is the letter D applied on the right shoulder.


As written prior to February 2018: While operating a large poultry enterprise the Debter family established a very substantial Hereford herd building it to a prominent position through performance records (TPR Program) and concentration on Line One bloodlines. A major source of purebred Herefords in the Southeast.

Logo for Miles Ranch (Miles Hereford Ranch)
Logo for Miles Ranch (Miles Hereford Ranch)

Miles Ranch (Miles Hereford Ranch)

Beaver , OK

Owned By

Robert L. Miles


Brand is a running M and slanted bar.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranch – 2 1/2 miles North of Beaver on Highway 270. After selling the original ranch which he started in the early 1890's, J. O. Miles founded the present ranch in the early 1900's. In the 40's he formed a partnership with his sons, Charles and Roland. Later partnerships also included Robert L., Eula and Rolland Miles. Through purchase and inheritance the 11,000 acre spread is the sole property of Robert L. Miles. The ranch has always used Hereford females.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Landers Cattle Company
Logo for Landers Cattle Company

Landers Cattle Company

Shepherd , TX

Owned By

Jake and Marion Landers


The prefix letters are initials of the outfit.


As written prior to February 2018: The Landers Company maintains approximately 100 head of registered Herefords 70 miles Northeast of Houston. The owners are both from ranching families. Jake is a son of Dan Landers, Wilsall, Montana (established in 1944) and Marion's father, George C. Morris, M.D., has a 1,500 head commercial cattle ranch (established in 1960). Marion is a cousin of the late J. B. Hawley, owner of Northern Pump Farms, McHenry, Illinois.

Logo for E. H. Brainard II - Slash V
Logo for E. H. Brainard II - Slash V

E. H. Brainard II – Slash V

Canadian , TX

Owned By

E. H. Brainard II


Slash, letter V – V on left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Use of this brand by E.H. Brainard II on his cattle departs from the basic Lazy B brand used by the Brainard family for years and still in use. E.H. continues the production of quality commercial Herefords that is traditional with his father and grandfather, Bud and Ed Brainard, respectively.

Logo for Rolling Hills Hereford Farm
Logo for Rolling Hills Hereford Farm

Rolling Hills Hereford Farm

Liberty , NC

Owned By

R. C. Causey


The prefix represents the farm name initials.


As written prior to February 2018: Rolling Hills Hereford Farm includes 180 acres of grassland that has been in continuous family ownership for 100 years. It supports a herd of 50 brood cows. Mr. Causey established his herd in 1938 at age 44 and has always endeavored to use herd bulls of the best and most popular of the breed.

Logo for T. R. McCalla, Jr. Herefords
Logo for T. R. McCalla, Jr. Herefords

T. R. McCalla, Jr. Herefords

Chickasha , OK

Owned By

T. R. McCalla, Jr.


Brand is Rocking T and H, joined.


As written prior to February 2018: This ranch was founded in 1949 and runs a herd of 125 registered mother cows.

Logo for Staats Ranch
Logo for Staats Ranch

Staats Ranch

Sedan , KS

Owned By

Charles and Mary Martin


The letters S and R serve as a prefix and the two letters have been adapted to serve as the brand.


As written prior to February 2018: Staats Ranch was established as a registered Hereford ranch in 1951 and was acquired by the Martins in 1965 who have maintained both registered and commercial Herefords. The ranch was managed by Charles Martin, Jr. from 1973 until his accidental death in 1980. It was under his management that an annual sale was initiated, a phase of the operation that continues.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for H & C Hereford Farm
Logo for H & C Hereford Farm

H & C Hereford Farm

Lexington , NC

Owned By

Charles Don Koontz


The letteres H and C are a prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: The farm was named for Harry Koontz, the founder and his son Charles Don. Charles was the recipient of the American Farmer Degree in 1946 and won a registered Hereford bull from the Mill Iron Ranch in Texas through the FFA – Sears Foundation. Five registered heifers and this bull made up the herd's beginning. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Koontz, Donna Lee, has her own registered herd on the farm.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Alber J. Mitchell Jr.
Logo for Alber J. Mitchell Jr.

Alber J. Mitchell Jr.

Albert , NM

Owned By

Alber J. Mitchell Jr.


The brand is used on the left hip on cattle and on the left hip of horses.


As written prior to February 2018: The brand originally belonged to Albert K. Mitchell, grandfather of the owner. The brand was given to the present owner at the time of his birth and is used on his personal cattle that are a part of the Tequesquite Ranch herd.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Bones Hereford Ranch, Inc.
Logo for Bones Hereford Ranch, Inc.

Bones Hereford Ranch, Inc.

Parker , SD

Owned By

Walter Bones


The letter V with a lazy half diamond followed by a second letter V. Brand is placed on the right rib.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was founded in 1927 by past AHA president Walter Bones. A charter member of the TPR Program the cow herd consistently ranks at the top in performance. Annual sales have been held since 1930 with customers in many states, Canada, Mexico and Hungary. Under family corporation ownership, management now is in the third generation.

Logo for Holden Hereford Ranch
Logo for Holden Hereford Ranch

Holden Hereford Ranch

Valier , MT

Owned By

Holden Herefords, Inc.


The letter H with a standing off reversed letter L, connected. Brand placed on right rib.


As written prior to February 2018: The owners of the corporation, Leslie J. and Ethel Holden run a closely bred, highly productive (performance) herd of Line One Herefords.

Logo for Shippen Hereford Ranch
Logo for Shippen Hereford Ranch

Shippen Hereford Ranch

Menan , ID

Owned By

W. Ronald and Emmett Shippen


The STP letters are used as a prefix in naming.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was homesteaded by the owner's grandfather in 1880 and has been the home of registered Herefords since 1916 with AHA membership in 1945. The all Hereford herd is maintained on the ranch with B. L. M. and Targhee Forest leased land.

Logo for Fulscher Herefords
Logo for Fulscher Herefords

Fulscher Herefords

Amherst , CO

Owned By

Fulscher Herefords


Swipe – F – Bar.


As written prior to February 2018: Fulscher Herefords was started in 1909 by Otto Fulscher. His son Max joined the organization in 1938 to be followed by his (Max's) son Gary in 1960. The registered herd was dispersed in 1983 following Max's death but the commercial herd is still operated on the original ranch by Gary Fulscher.

Logo for T. E. Mitchell & Son
Logo for T. E. Mitchell & Son

T. E. Mitchell & Son

Albert , NM

Owned By

T. E. Mitchell & Son, Inc.


The letter K is branded on the left jaw, the lazy K is branded on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Tesquesquite Ranch started from a homestead along the Tequesquite Creek in 1894 by T. E. Mitchell. The registered herd was founded on 158 females secured from Andrew Knell, father-in-law of T. E. Mitchell, from which it expanded and gained national prominence under the management of Albert K. Mitchell, the late Albert J. Mitchell and currently by his wife, Sherri and their sons. The herd became the source of Husker Mischief bloodlines and continues today with modern bloodlines and progressive management.

Logo for James F. Grote
Logo for James F. Grote

James F. Grote

Llano , TX

Owned By

James F. Grote


The brand combines the letters J and F which are the initials of the owner.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner bought his first registered Herefords–a cow and calf pair–at $350–as a 4-H club boy in 1934 and showed a steer calf from this cow to the championship in Houston in 1936. He has since maintained Herefords on his own place in Mason County Texas and currently has 100 registered cows. He also has managed Granite Hills Ranch since 1964.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Unknown (L7)
Logo for Unknown (L7)

Unknown (L7)

Logo for C. Ben Schafer
Logo for C. Ben Schafer

C. Ben Schafer

Denver/Hugo , CO

Owned By

C. Ben Schafer


Open A Bar. Registered in all of Colorado – Lincoln, Morgan, and Elbert Counties – Since 1931. Brand on left side of cow, left hip of her calf.


As written prior to February 2018: C. S. Schafer Ranch Co. Has been in continuous operation since 1873 as a cow – calf operation formerly a Hereford operation under the open a brand and carried on by Conrad Schnelder Schafer, Jr. until his death in 1997. The ranch of 10,000 acres is operated by C. Ben Schafer with angus cattle and the brand )/c (reverse c/lazy c.).

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for W. T. Waggoner Ranch
Logo for W. T. Waggoner Ranch

W. T. Waggoner Ranch

Vernon , TX

Owned By

W. T. Waggoner Estate


Three letter D's reversed.


As written prior to February 2018: The Waggoner Ranching activity was started in 1849 near Decatur, Texas when he acquired the Reverse 3D brand. His son W. T. Waggoner was born in 1852 and joined his father's business at an early age. The present Waggoner ranching property of over 500,000 acres was acquired between 1890 and 1900. The W. T. Waggoner Trust was formed in 1923.

Logo for Jeff Ranch
Logo for Jeff Ranch

Jeff Ranch

Fort Davis , TX

Owned By

McKnight Ranch Co.


The brand is a flying U.


As written prior to February 2018: The company operates ranches in Jeff Davis, Brewster and Crane counties in Texas under the management of Robert E. McKnight of Fort Davis. There are a total of 2,000 animal units including 100 registered cows. Headquarters is the Jeff Ranch.

Logo for Warner Ranch
Logo for Warner Ranch

Warner Ranch

Cimarron , KS

Owned By

Sidney Warner & Charles Warner


Bar, letter O, Bar connected. Brand placed on left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: Warner Ranch was founded in 1915 by Leigh Warner and has grown to include registered and commercial Hereford cow herds, wheat and row crop farming, a certified wheat operation and a feedyard. Management is currently provided by Sidney Warner, his son Charles and his son-in-law Steve Schartz.

Logo for Murry J. Brown & Sons Herefords
Logo for Murry J. Brown & Sons Herefords

Murry J. Brown & Sons Herefords

Lodge Grass , MT

Owned By

M. James and Mary Brown


The letters M, J and B make up the herd's prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: The firm–Murry J. Brown and Son (the son being Murry (Jimmy) Brown Jr)– is a long-time Hereford breeding establishment which in recent years has produced animals of outstanding performance and modern type that have aided other breeders in making the transition toward the preferred modern kind with excellence in the important traits of production.

Logo for Diamond 5 Herefords
Logo for Diamond 5 Herefords

Diamond 5 Herefords

Bliss , ID

Owned By

Stan and Mary Carlisle


Diamond with figure 5.


As written prior to February 2018: The base cow herd was started in 1952 as a 4-H Club project for Stan Carlisle. In 1963 he formed a partnership with his father at the Eureka Hereford Ranch in California. In 1974 the partnership was divided to form Diamond 5 Herefords in Idaho. The herd has been enrolled in TPR since 1972.

Logo for Moyer Ranch, Inc.
Logo for Moyer Ranch, Inc.

Moyer Ranch, Inc.

Manhattan , KS

Owned By

Earl Moyer


Lazy M, bar.


As written prior to February 2018: Herd started in 1934 with 14 registered Hereford heifers and one Real Prince Domino bull. The expanded operation has sold range bulls in volume to many states and Mexico. Currently concentrating on purebred Hereford cows as seedstock and F1 (Angus x Hereford) cows. The corporation retains ownership of all cattle until slaughtered.

Logo for Dennis Ranches
Logo for Dennis Ranches

Dennis Ranches

Grady , OK

Owned By

Don and Winston Dennis


The "Z" brand.


As written prior to February 2018: The Dennis Ranches, founded in 1916 by L. S. and Essie Dennis with commercial cattle, have produced Hereford cattle continuously since then. The registered herd was added in the 1930's and today there are approximately 600 commercial cattle and 400 registered Herefords on the 10,000 acres operated by the sons of the original owners.

Logo for San Isabel Ranch
Logo for San Isabel Ranch

San Isabel Ranch

Westcliffe , CO

Owned By

San Isabel Ranch


Inverted T under a quarter circle.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was founded in 1872 by Will Kettle and has been in family ownership for four generations. As the outfit proceeds in its second century it is in the ownership of Dr. Ben Kettle.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Pedretti Ranches, Inc.
Logo for Pedretti Ranches, Inc.

Pedretti Ranches, Inc.

El Nido , CA

Owned By

Gino and Mona Pedretti


P bar P.


As written prior to February 2018: The P-P brand was used by Pete Pedretti, father of Gino. It is used now on all Pedretti Domino registered Herefords which were started in 1946 as an FFA project. The ranch is located in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley. Over 100 breeders from Indiana to Texas to Montana have purchased herd sires or semen from Pedretti Dominos.

Logo for Schlickau Herefords
Logo for Schlickau Herefords

Schlickau Herefords

Haven , KS

Owned By

George, Bruce & James Schlickau


Prefix – the letters S and H. Brand – Large S with horizontal bars in the center to form a small H.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranch headquarters are 1/2 mile southeast of Haven on highway K96 between Hutchinson and Wichita. The herd was established in 1913. Registered herd consists of 300 cows and supports and annual sale, the first Saturday in December.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Blakeley Herefords
Logo for Blakeley Herefords

Blakeley Herefords

Stephenson , VA

Owned By

Ed Brown


The little "b".


As written prior to February 2018: Blakeley Herefords was a spin-off from Blakeley Farms. At the dispersal in 1971, when a buyer failed to pay for ten head of cattle, Pat and I bought and started Blakeley Herefords with the ten head. Then the owners of Blakeley Herefords were Ed, Pat, and Kim Brown. We operated on Blakeley Farms for about ten years before going to Clark County, Virginia, where we operated for about twenty years. in 1999, after Pat retired, we sold out and moved to Winchester Virginia to be close to our daughter and grandson. On February 5, 2009, we lost our beloved Pat after a long, hard battle with cancer. Ed Brown

Logo for Orval Burchette & Sons Hereford Ranch, Inc.
Logo for Orval Burchette & Sons Hereford Ranch, Inc.

Orval Burchette & Sons Hereford Ranch, Inc.

Grand River , IA

Owned By

Wayne O. & Gayle E. Burchette


Letters W and B are joined. Original brand, "B" was changed to present form to conform to Iowa law.


As written prior to February 2018: The first part of the ranch was purchased from the Federal Government in 1845. Registered Herefords were purchased in 1890 by Marshall Burchette and his son Orval with the herd remaining in the family ownership selling breeding stock and raising all of the herd's females.

Logo for Albert J. Mitchell
Logo for Albert J. Mitchell

Albert J. Mitchell

Albert , NM

Owned By

Albert J. Mitchell


Bar Z used on the owner's personal cattle. This branch which belonged to the owner's mother who died when he was born was given to him at that time. It is one of the state's oldest recorded brands.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner, who until the fatal crash of his private plane, was the principal owner of Tequesquite Ranch, the famous Mitchell family operation northeast of Tucumcari, New Mexico. His personal cattle were maintained as part of the Tequesquite herd.

Logo for Lawrence R. Roberts Ranch
Logo for Lawrence R. Roberts Ranch

Lawrence R. Roberts Ranch

Russellville , AR

Owned By

Lawrence R. Roberts


The letters L, R, R (the owner's initials) make the naming prefix and when arranged as shown provide a distinguishing logo or symbol for the ranch.


As written prior to February 2018: The Lawrence R. Roberts herd is one of long standing, being established in 1944 by the partnership of Jim Savage and Lawrence Roberts. At the death of Mr. Savage, the operation was carried on alone by Mr. Roberts until it was dispersed in 1983. Mr. Roberts retains a small herd which he oversees since his retirement from the world of retail sales.

Submit Your Brand

Tell us about a brand you want on the wall. The cost to add a brand to the Brand Wall is $500 and will be billed to your AHA account at the time the request is made.

Logo for Wyoming Hereford Ranch
Logo for Wyoming Hereford Ranch

Wyoming Hereford Ranch

Cheyenne , WY

Owned By

J. Sloan and Anna Marie Hales


Hereford horns enclosing the letters WHR, initials of the ranch.


As written prior to February 2018: Continuously a registered Hereford ranch since 1883–oldest in the United States. WHR has been the home of great bulls–Prince Domino, Vern Diamond, "Lerch" and many others. It also has had great breeders–Otto Fulscher–Bob Lazear and others. WHR has won more Denver carload bull shows than any other breeder.

Logo for OXO Ranches
Logo for OXO Ranches

OXO Ranches

Ridgway , CO

Owned By

S. Matasovic


The letters O joined by an X as shown.


As written prior to February 2018: The herd was started with top females from herd dispersals in 1952 and located originally at Mokena, Illinois. In 1965 the move was made to Colorado. The herd's production has been shown in major shows 30 years including ROM events with many championships. Third high Super Sire CH Domino 914 is the sire of many present day cows. Participant in TPR 15 years. Current sires (1986) – PW L1 7258, BB Domino 0035, BB L1 Dom 9131.

Logo for 6666 Ranch
Logo for 6666 Ranch

6666 Ranch

Guthrie , TX

Owned By

Anne W. Sowell DBA Burnett Ranches, Inc.


Four sixes.


As written prior to February 2018: Samuel Burk Burnett, born in Bates County, Missouri in 1849 moved with his parents to Denton County, Texas, in 1859. In 1870 he acquired a small herd carrying the brand which remains today–the family coat of arms 6666. At the turn of the century Burk purchased 206,000 acres in King County, Texas and set up headquarters in Guthrie. Later he purchased 106,000 acres in the Panhandle known as the Dixon Creek 6666 Ranch. Burk died 1/27/22 leaving the estate in trust to Ollie Lake Burnett and Anne Burnett Tandy. On January 1, 1980 the property passed to the present owner, great granddaughter Anne W. Sowell.

Logo for Turner Bros. Farm, Inc.
Logo for Turner Bros. Farm, Inc.

Turner Bros. Farm, Inc.

Oklahoma City , OK

Owned By

Jack Turner


Quarter Circle T.


As written prior to February 2018: My Grandfather sold a farm in Texas, bought some cows and brought them to his homestead in 1898 in what is now Beckham County, Okla. The area had been in Green County, Texas until the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it was not Texas but Oklahoma territory. The region was based on the Louisiana Land Purchase of 1803.

Logo for LBJ Ranch
Logo for LBJ Ranch

LBJ Ranch

Johnson City , TX

Owned By

National Park Service Lyndon B. Johnson NHP


The brand is one of two used. Bar J Bar (-J-) was the only one President Johnson had registered. The LBJ was unofficial but was used when buyers frequently requested tangible proof that the stock they purchased came from the President's ranch.


As written prior to February 2018: The LBJ Ranch was started when Lyndon Johnson purchased 350 acres from his aunt in 1951. The spread grew to 2,000 acres at his death in 1973. He began his registered Hereford herd in 1957 which reached 200 head at its peak. The National Park Service continues to operate the ranch and registered Herefords as they were when President Johnson was alive.

Logo for Adams Bros. & Co. (ABC Ranch)
Logo for Adams Bros. & Co. (ABC Ranch)

Adams Bros. & Co. (ABC Ranch)

Kilgore , NE

Owned By

William M. W. Sharp


The ranch's logo rather than a brand.The prefix ABC is used in naming.


As written prior to February 2018: The Adams Bros. & Co. firm was established in Odebolt, Iowa and Wahpeton, North Dakota, in 1896 by William P. Adams for his sons Robert B. and John Q. Adams. In 1946 registered Herefords were introduced by William P. Adams II who in 1963 purchased the present ranch near Kilgore Nebraska, and moved the herd there. In 1973 the ranch and herd were sold to his son-in-law William M. W. Sharp who continues raising registered Herefords.

Logo for K 74 Ranch
Logo for K 74 Ranch

K 74 Ranch

Oklahoma City , OK

Owned By

Clifford L Knight


The brand and prefix combine the letter K and figure 74.


As written prior to February 2018: K 74 Ranch is located on State Highway 74 in Logan County, Oklahoma within the greater Oklahoma City Metropolitan area. Started in 1971 the ranch has undergone considerable expansion in acreage and development and in cattle numbers. Breeding registered Herefords is the principal activity.

Logo for Oxley Hereford Ranch
Logo for Oxley Hereford Ranch

Oxley Hereford Ranch

Mahnomen , MN

Owned By

John T. Oxley


The unique arrangement of the letters O, X and H provide the ranch's logo.


As written prior to February 2018: The Oxley Hereford Ranch and cow herd was established in Minnesota with the purchase in 1965 of the Shermerhorn Farms property and its cow herd, long a going Hereford operation of note, in northwest Minnesota at Mahnomen. Registered Hereford cattle is the primary enterprise.

Logo for EE Hereford Ranch, Inc.
Logo for EE Hereford Ranch, Inc.

EE Hereford Ranch, Inc.

Winona , MS

Owned By

Bill & Jo Ellard


Two Staggered EE's


As written prior to February 2018: EE Hereford Ranch, Inc., Winona, Mississippi, is located in North Central Mississippi encompassing approximately 2,000 acres of fertile farm and pasture land. EE's 1,000-head cattle herd consists of 300 registered Hereford mother cows of predominantly L1 breeding, and another 200 head of recipient mother cows. Herd sires have included such greats as CH Domino 439, RB L1 Domino 970, The Virginian and Legend. EE registers approximately 300 calves annually of which about one-third are produced through an extensive embryo transfer program. EE holds an annual female production sale and sells over 150 bulls to commercial breeders annually, mostly by private treaty.

Logo for Clear Creek Ranch
Logo for Clear Creek Ranch

Clear Creek Ranch

Menard , TX

Owned By

Virgil Powell


Bar over the letter U–Bar U placed on the left shoulder.


Mr. Powell has used the Bar U brand on his cattle for 62 years as of 1986.

Logo for Jo-Su-Li Farms, Inc.
Logo for Jo-Su-Li Farms, Inc.

Jo-Su-Li Farms, Inc.

Colquitt , GA

Owned By

Clarence L Cross


The letters C C are the initials of the owner, Clarence Cross.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner began farming on his own in 1926 on 207 inherited acres from which he built to a plantation of over 5,000 acres. Established a registered Hereford herd in 1943 which at its peak in 1978 totalled 500 head. Jo-Su-Li hosted the 1976 All-American Junior Field day. Mr. Cross was inducted into the AHA Honor Gallery in 1986. He continues in Herefords at Jo-Su-Li and as C & T Livestock Co. Jo-Su-Li Farms has been the source of more Hereford bulls for the Southeastern commercial cattle industry than any other breeding establishment.

Logo for Eleven Point Ranch, Inc.
Logo for Eleven Point Ranch, Inc.

Eleven Point Ranch, Inc.

Birch Tree , MO

Owned By

Roger D. Shaw, Jr.


Lazy eleven.


As written prior to February 2018: Ranch began in 1929 by the owner's father and grandfather as a steer and timber operation. About 1946 a registered Hereford herd was founded on purchases from Wiese & Sons and a commercial operation was formed. At present about 60 registered cows, 700 commercial cows and 1,000 yearling steers are on the property.

Logo for Thurber Hereford Ranch
Logo for Thurber Hereford Ranch

Thurber Hereford Ranch

Sonoita , AZ

Owned By

Thurber Hereford Ranch


The letters L and V are the holding brand. The letters T, I and K are the sale brand.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was established in 1924 and the first bulls came from George Keith and Harrisdale Farms in Texas. Breeding females were selected by Rat Zowell of Hereford and Uncle Johnnie Gist of Odessa, Texas. Continue at the same location after 60 years. Mr. Thurber was chairman for the 1956 National Hereford Congress which featured Ezra T. Benson as speaker and Ernie Ford for entertainment. Mr. Thurber was featured on the Today TV show for two hours with Hugh Downs. He has been an AHA member since 1923.

Logo for Downey ID Ranch
Logo for Downey ID Ranch

Downey ID Ranch

Perkins , OK

Owned By

Jack and Fern Downey


Standing bar with letter D.


As written prior to February 2018: In 1950 the owners started with 240 acres and 30 commercial cows. They purchased registered females from Jack Walker and Daube Ranch in Oklahoma and bulls from Tequesquite Ranch in New Mexico. Currently the ranch handles 200 primarily Line One cows and 400 yearlings. Mr. Downey was named the 1973 Oklahoma Farmer/Rancher of the year. Ranch Manager: Tom Copeland

Logo for Seven Vee Ranch
Logo for Seven Vee Ranch

Seven Vee Ranch

Sterling City , TX

Owned By

McDonald & Son


The brand includes a reverse figure 7 joined to the letter V. It is placed on the left hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranch was established in 1924 by the brothers W. N. and L. R. Reed. The property was divided in 1973 after 49 years of operation with part going to a partnership–Reed and Stewart–that uses a brand that is the reverse of 7V. The other portion is owned by McDonald & Son who continue with the original brand and 400 mother cows. Only commercial Herefords are raised but good quality registered bulls are used.

Logo for Star Lake Cattle Ranch
Logo for Star Lake Cattle Ranch

Star Lake Cattle Ranch

Skiatook , OK

Owned By

Jim & Rancy Blin, Manager-Montie Soules


STR represents prefix STAR. Brand is placed on the left shoulder.


As written prior to February 2018: The operation was originally started in Millbrook, NY as ACE Polled Herefords. Montie Soules took over management in 1978. The operation was owned by Alexander C. Ewing. ACE his initials. In 1988, the ranch in Skiatook was purchased and the name changed to ACE Land and Cattle. The ACE herd was dispersed in May of 1992 for $1.5 million. The day of the sale, the operation changed ownership and continued under the name of Star Lake Cattle Company owned by Daniel Thorne. Montie Soules and the same key staff members (Max Stotz and Todd Herman) that were with ACE in New York continued to carry on with Star Lake Cattle Company. In April 2003, the operation sold privately to Jim and Randy Blin, a father and son partnership. The same key staff members stayed in tact and continued with the operation under the name of Star Lake Cattle Ranch as it is known today. The ranch calves around 400 Hereford calves annually of which 50% are embryo calves and 50% are natural calves from their mothers. The ranch has two sales annually – the 3rd Saturday in May each year since Montie Soules took over management in 1978 and the 3rd Sunday in October each year when they feature the year's embryo heifer and bull calves and have their annual commercial bull sale.

Logo for J & N Ranch
Logo for J & N Ranch

J & N Ranch

Leavenworth , KS

Owned By

Joseph and Norma Hoagland


Brand – JN – placed on left rib.


As written prior to February 2018: Established in 1978 in Holton, Kansas, the ranch was relocated in 1985 at its present location on Highway 5 on high bluffs overlooking the Missouri River and Kansas City skyline. The breeding herd of 100 head is influenced by Miles City bloodlines with emphasis on low birthweights.

Logo for Perry and Emmett LeFors
Logo for Perry and Emmett LeFors

Perry and Emmett LeFors

Pampa , TX

Owned By

Perry and Emmett LeFors


The letters L and E with the figure 4 was used on the left side. The lower brand figure is used on the left shoulder.


As written prior to February 2018: Perry LeFors, father of Emmett, established his brand about 1895 while Emmett LeFors has been using the lower (which might be described as a "lazy hook") since 1920. In 1924 Emmett bought the registered herd owned by Harley Tulley and the Charlie Thomas herd sometime later. On September 27, 1986 Emmett was 97 years old, not as active now as in those years when he had the second highest number of registrations one year and in many years when he sold a great volume of bulls in Texas and Mexico.

Logo for Langley Hereford Ranch
Logo for Langley Hereford Ranch

Langley Hereford Ranch

Warwick , ND

Owned By

James P. and Esther Langley


T joined with the figure 5–placed on the right hip.


As written prior to February 2018: The registered herd was started by the present owner's grandfather in the late 1800's and continued on by his father, James E. Langley. One of the early herd bulls was Beau Baron 366150 purchased from Gudgell & Simpson of Independence, Missouri. In recent years Line One bulls have been used. the owner was 1983 Hereford man of the year in North Dakota.

Logo for Pitchfork Ranch
Logo for Pitchfork Ranch

Pitchfork Ranch

Guthrie , TX

Owned By

Pitchfork Land & Cattle Co.


The brand is the Pitchfork.


As written prior to February 2018: The Pitchfork Ranch lies in both King and Dickens Counties in Texas. It began as a partnership in the late 1870's and was incorporated in 1883 and has operated primarily as a cow-calf outfit ever since with registered Herefords added in 1932. The corporation includes a steer operation in Albany County, Wyoming and in Wabaunsee County, Kansas.

Logo for Weldon Edwards Herefords
Logo for Weldon Edwards Herefords

Weldon Edwards Herefords

Clyde , TX

Owned By

Weldon Edwards Herefords


The brand is a horseshoe above a bar–Horseshoe bar. The ranch uses WE, the initials of the owner as it's prefix.


As written prior to February 2018: The Edwards ranching operations are carried on principally in Callahan and Dickens Counties of Texas. The beginning was with commercial cattle in 1940 and the first registered purebred Herefords came in 1960.

Logo for SMS Ranches
Logo for SMS Ranches

SMS Ranches

Stamford , TX

Owned By

Swen R. Swenson Cattle Co.


Two backward letter S's separated by a running M.


As written prior to February 2018: The ranches were established in 1882 on land owned by S. M. Swenson, a Swedish immigrant. The brand was adapted from his initials. The Swenson holdings were divided in 1982 And Swen R. Swenson Cattle Co. became a new company and received the original brand which was registered as a trademark. The present herd descends from the original and includes registered and commercial Herefords.

Logo for Blue Ridge Hereford Ranch
Logo for Blue Ridge Hereford Ranch

Blue Ridge Hereford Ranch

Manassas , VA

Owned By

Linda J. Lonas


The letters B, L, U and E make up the prefix–also the first word of the name.


As written prior to February 2018: Blue Ridge Hereford Ranch, located among the Blue Ridge mountains in historic Loudoun County, Virginia, was established in February 1986 for the breeding and sale of registered Hereford cattle to farm owners throughout the East Coast. The ranch is operated in conjunction with Lone Oak Farm, also near Purcellville, Virginia.

Logo for Davis Ranch
Logo for Davis Ranch

Davis Ranch

Cowdrey , CO

Owned By

Barbara Davis


Slash, reverse Z, bar with the slash and bar being the same length.


As written prior to February 2018: The owner started the registered herd in 1934 with four cows and became a member of AHA in 1947 while the owner's husband stayed with his commercial Herefords. He has since sold the grade cattle but Mrs. Davis continues with her herd of registered stock.

Logo for J. P. Kennah
Logo for J. P. Kennah

J. P. Kennah

Lander , WY

Owned By

J. P. Kennah


The joined letters J and P with K branded on the right rib.


As written prior to February 2018: Founded in 1870, the ranch is the oldest held by one family in Fremont County, Wyoming, and it is located at the foot of the Wind River Mountains. This was a commercial Hereford spread until 1983 when registered Herefords were incorporated into the operation.