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Collecting actual carcass data is important to proving the accuracy of carcass EPD’s.

Carcass traits are some of the most highly heritable traits in the genetic evaluation. As a result, putting selection pressure on these traits of importance will allow for continued progress. The quickest and best way to prove accuracy on carcass traits is to report data of cattle that have been harvested. The AHA will accept carcass data from breeders and use this information in the genetic evaluation.

Harvest Data Collected on Pedigreed Animals

  • Must have complete pedigree information on progeny, meaning both parents must be registered.
  • Must be a part of Whole Herd TPR with at least a weaning weight collected.
  • Only Steers and Heifers are permitted, no bulls.

Contemporary Group Guidelines

  • Same Weaning CG and same sex
  • Same management post weaning
  • Same feedlot pen, same placement date
  • Same rations, implants, health protocols and feedlots should present individual health records on animals that have been treated for sickness.
  • Same Harvest date at same packing plant and same carcass collection date by one individual or by validated instrument grading.
  • Cattle must be harvested between 400-560 days of age.