The AHA recognizes breeders who go above and beyond to measure traits and promptly submit performance data at all levels of production.
In 2000, the AHA implemented the Whole Herd Total Performance Records (TPR™) reporting system. This system was put into place with the foresight to accurately identify Hereford genetics that could ultimately allow the breed to gain market share within all segments of the beef industry. Today, more than 85% of the cattle registered by the AHA come through the TPR program. It is obvious breeders have endorsed the program and it is also obvious that market share for Hereford cattle is growing because of the dedication of the members to the program.
The Gold and Platinum TPR Breeder awards are designated two times a year and are awarded each calving season. The selection of Gold and Platinum TPR breeders takes place during the process of loading each new run of expected progeny differences (EPDs) in January (spring) and July (fall). The criteria for both Gold and Platinum TPR breeders will be evaluated two years prior to the award year. For example, the spring 2020 TPR awards that are published in January 2020 reflect the spring 2018 calving season evaluation.
The Gold TPR program was established in 2005 to recognize those breeders who participate in the Association’s Whole Herd Total Performance Records (TPR™) program that was implemented in 2001 to create a more accurate database and to increase the value of Hereford genetics.
The Platinum TPR program was established in 2018 to recognize breeders who participate in the Association’s Whole Herd Total Performance Records (TPR™) program that was implemented in 2001 to create a more accurate database and increase the value of Hereford genetics. The Platinum TPR Breeder is the highest level of achievement when it comes to complete calf crop reporting. Breeders must meet all of the requirements of Gold TPR Breeder status plus genotype 85% of their calves with a weaning weight submitted.