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The American Hereford Association offers many tools that allow our membership to make genetic improvements in their herds. By collecting critical data, members can utilize the tools AHA offers to advance the breed.


Search our database to find individual animal EPDs reported to the AHA registry.

Search the AHA definition library for the current suite of Hereford EPDs and $ indexes, including important maternal, growth and carcass EPDs

Find definitions and explanations for new EPD traits released by the AHA.

Find breed average EPDs for the 15 reported traits and  distribution break-down by percentile rankings for each EPD trait.

EPD trends allow producers to make more informed breeding decisions.

Utilizing ultrasound technology is a very economical way to estimate future carcass merit.

Genetic Abnormalities

Learn more about known genetic carriers.


Keep up to date on the latest genetic evaluations.



The National Reference Sire Program (NRSP) is a program that allows Hereford breeders to test young sires in real-world commercial settings.


Maximize the worth of your genetics with the Hereford Feedout Program.

Feed intake records from American Hereford Association research projects and breeder data collection have been analyzed in a genetic evaluation to predict Dry Matter Intake (DMI) EPDs.

Collecting actual carcass data is important to proving the accuracy of carcass EPD’s.