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NHW Outstanding Hereford Woman Award

NHW Outstanding Hereford Woman Award

May 11, 2018

The National Hereford Women Organization (NHW) feels that many women across our country do an outstanding job of promoting the Hereford breed and that they should be recognized. One outstanding woman will be recognized at …

The National Hereford Women Organization (NHW) feels that many women across our country do an outstanding job of promoting the Hereford breed and that they should be recognized. One outstanding woman will be recognized at our annual meeting during the American Royal Stock Show in Kansas City. Her name will be added to a new perpetual plaque in the American Hereford Association building.

The NHW Outstanding Woman Award has nothing to do with geography or regions in the United States. Nominations can come from anyone in the Hereford industry and can be submitted through the State Hereford Auxiliaries/ Poll-ette Organizations or directly to the NHW. A written endorsement (Letter of Recommendation) for the nominee to the NHW Outstanding Hereford Woman committee chairperson must be postmarked September 1st each year or received by email or fax by that date. The NHW will have a panel of judges evaluate the nominees and choose an award recipient.

Selection will be based on the accomplishments in promoting Hereford cattle or the beef industry through the media or other organizations or with their own Hereford operation. Outstanding leadership for this individual may include hospitality, membership, youth activities such as scholarship programs, queen programs, ways and means, publicity and other related activities in the state/national arenas. Other helpful information should include significant information concerning church, civic, professional and other activities.

Guidelines for Nomination:

  • Nominees must be a member of the National Hereford Women
  • NHW officers and directors are not eligible during their term of office
  • Previous recipients of the AHW Outstanding Woman, NOP Poll-ette of the Year, or NHW Outstanding Hereford Woman are not eligible for this award.
  • Please send nominations to: Rhonda Eck, 231545 E 790 Rd, Putnam, OK 73659 or email to rhondaeck@yahoo.com. Any questions, please contact Rhonda at 580-661-1026.