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JNHE Packing and Planning Pointers

JNHE Packing and Planning Pointers

July 9, 2017

Junior National Hereford Expo exhibitors, as you pack the trailer and prepare for your trip to Louisville we have put together a couple packing and planning pointers to help with the process. Pointer #1 – …

Junior National Hereford Expo exhibitors, as you pack the trailer and prepare for your trip to Louisville we have put together a couple packing and planning pointers to help with the process.

Pointer #1 –

Check, Double Check and Triple Check your tattoos – When you get to the check in chutes on Saturday it will be too late and we would hate to have to tell you that you can’t show because of no tattoos.


Pointer #2 –

Make sure you have a health paper and that all WARTS and RINGWORM have been removed and treated. The state vets will be checking your papers in tie outs and your heifers as you come in the barn on Saturday and will be very strict on warts and ringworm. There may not be anything American Hereford Association Staff can do to help once the state vet has made their decision.


Pointer #3 –

Have original registration papers in hand for check in on Saturday.


Pointer #4 –

Feeders Supply will be the feed store on site and they offer a complete line of Purina Feed in addition to Timothy and Alfalfa hay. There is no need to pre order, just visit the Feeders Supply booth in the West Wing starting at 6 p.m. on Friday evening.


Pointer #5 –

Do not plan to arrive at the Kentucky Exposition Center anytime before Friday, July 14. The main gates will be open throughout the day on Friday, however the K Lot into tieouts and trailer parking and the barns will NOT open until 6 p.m. So please plan your arrival accordingly. Tie out assignments will not be released to the individual states until Friday afternoon.