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August EPDs Released

August EPDs Released

August 16, 2017

The American Hereford Association released new Expected Progeny Differences for the Hereford breed on Aug. 15. All EPDs reported in EPD searches and on registration certificates and reports from this point forward will now reflect …

The American Hereford Association released new Expected Progeny Differences for the Hereford breed on Aug. 15. All EPDs reported in EPD searches and on registration certificates and reports from this point forward will now reflect the new EPDs. The next anticipated release of EPDs is Sept. 15.

AHA genetic evaluations are updated 10 times per year. Members can find the updated EPD data on a sortable spreadsheet on the AHA website.

“We encourage our breeders to collect herd data and turn it into the association,” said Shane Bedwell, AHA chief operating officer and director of breed improvement. “We will continue to release more frequent genetic evaluations so our producers can make more informed breeding decisions.”

Reminder: the EPDs printed on your previous registration certificates are from prior EPD evaluations. If you have any questions feel free to call the customer service department at (816) 842 – 3757.

Click here to search for updated EPDs.