February 21, 2017
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Seventy-four head of cattle from National Junior Hereford Association members in nine states are on feed for the NJHA Fed Steer Shootout competition at Gregory Feedlots Inc., in Tabor, Iowa. The …
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Seventy-four head of cattle from National Junior Hereford Association members in nine states are on feed for the NJHA Fed Steer Shootout competition at Gregory Feedlots Inc., in Tabor, Iowa.
The program is an opportunity for NJHA members to gain invaluable cattle-feeding industry education and experience. Participants will have the ability to estimate feedyard performance and carcass merit, and then compare the information to actual performance data. They will also measure and compare the profitability of their animals during the contest.
“Today we processed and performed ultrasounds on the cattle,” David Trowbridge, Gregory Feedlots, Inc. manager said. “We will process that information when we get it back from the lab and present that information to the participants. This is a very interesting program. We’ve got a wide variety of genetics and types of calves here on feed.”
Winners of the shootout will be announced at the 2017 AHA Annual Membership Meeting Honoree Reception hosted in Kansas City, Mo.