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Blume Herefords

Gordon Blume and his brother, Gary, purchased their first registered heifer in 1964 from Gilbert Frankenstein, and that was the beginning of Blume Polled Hereford Farm, Frankfort, S.D. It continued to grow and expand until 1975 when Gordon and Gary dissolved the partnership. Gordon and his wife, Thordys, continued under the BPHF prefix until horned genetics were added. It was then changed to Blume Herefords.

In the mid-1970s, AI was implemented to better the herd. Embryo transplant was added in the late 1980s, and they continue to use both. Today, Blume Herefords consist of three generations. Gordon and Thordys, along with their son, Michael, and his wife, Becky, and grandchildren, Jayna and Rett. Gordon and Thordys continue with the calving and feeding of the herd, but they enjoy watching their grandchildren compete in the show ring the most.