September 5, 2023
Young Hereford breeders from six states are meeting in Kansas City, Mo., Colorado and Nebraska this week as part of the inaugural Hereford Seedstock Academy, the American Hereford Association’s (AHA) elite new leadership development program. …
Young Hereford breeders from six states are meeting in Kansas City, Mo., Colorado and Nebraska this week as part of the inaugural Hereford Seedstock Academy, the American Hereford Association’s (AHA) elite new leadership development program.
“The Hereford Seedstock Academy is the logical extension of the breed’s intentional leadership development, which is a key part of AHA’s strategic plan,” explains Jack Ward, AHA executive vice president. “Members of the academy have already established themselves as high-achieving individuals with years of committed Hereford seedstock production experience despite their young age.”
Members of the 2023 Hereford Seedstock Academy are:
Breck Debnam, Innisfail Farm, Madison, Ga.
Keayla Harr, J & L Cattle Services, Jeromesville, Ohio
Emilee Holt, NJW Polled Herefords and Holt Family Cattle, Decker, Mont.
Jacob Rausch, Rausch Herefords, Hoven, S.D.
Tyler Schultz, Sandhill Farms, Haviland, Kan.
Shayne Wiese, Wiese and Sons Herefords, Manning, Iowa
During four intensive days (Sept. 5-8) of networking and interactive educational sessions, members of the Seedstock Academy will delve into: the role of Hereford genetics in the current and future commercial cattle sector; adding value to Hereford cattle and enhancing client experience; value points in the cattle feeding sector; AHA breeder and commercial Hereford user tools and services; evolution of Certified Hereford Beef® (CHB).
Associated tours include: Hen House Local Markets, a premier CHB retailer; AgNext at Colorado State University; Olsen Ranches, AHA’s mainstay National Reference Sire Program herd, Harrisburg, Neb/, where they will see the breed’s pioneering sustainability research in action.
“We’re excited for the breed to take this next step in ensuring Hereford’s next generation of leadership is secure,” Ward says.