July 14, 2021
Barber, Channing, Texas, and his heifer, BR Merida H031 ET, won the owned polled female show. KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kynlee Dailey, Kingston, Okla., won the horned owned female show with BK Have Points 050H …
Barber, Channing, Texas, and his heifer, BR Merida H031 ET, won the owned polled female show.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kynlee Dailey, Kingston, Okla., won the horned owned female show with BK
Have Points 050H ET, and Bryden Barber, Channing, Texas, and his heifer, BR Merida H031 ET, won the
polled owned female show at the 2021 VitaFerm®Junior National Hereford Expo, July 9, in Kansas City,Mo.
Josh Taylor of Stillwater, Okla., and associate judge Jordon Mullett of Stillwater, Okla., judged
the owned show with 269 horned heifers and 602 polled heifers exhibited. The reserve grand champion horned owned heifer banner went to Blake Bruns, North Platte, Neb., with H Pixie 0635 ET. Beau Ann Graves, Chillicothe, Mo., with TKCC Diamond Club 001 ET, took home reserve grand champion honors in the polled owned female show.
Topping the horned owned heifer show was Dailey’s Division IV champion, a March 3, 2020,
daughter of H The Profit 8426 ET. Bruns’ reserve grand champion horned owned female, H Pixie 0635
ET, was first named Division II champion. She was an Aug. 29, 2020, daughter of H Montgomery 7437
Barber’s grand champion polled heifer, BR Merida H031 ET, was first named Division VI
champion. She was a March 21, 2020, daughter of UPS Sensation 2296 ET. Graves’ reserve grand
champion polled owned female, a Feb. 15, 2020, daughter of CH High Roller 756 ET, was also Division
VIII champion.
The horned owned female show was sponsored by HME Herefords, Winterville, Ga., and Hopper
Herefords, Maysville, Ky. The polled owned female show was sponsored by Hoffman Ranch, Thedford,
Horned division results
Division I
Champion: Landry Allan, Nocona, Texas, with BACC 228Z Tara 054 ET, sired by KLD RW Marksman
D87 ET.
Reserve champion: Hudson Carter, Stratford, Okla., with VC Happy Face 0055H ET, sired by SR
Dominate 308F ET, and bred by Victoria Chapman, Mannsville, Okla.
Division II
Champion: Blake Bruns, North Platte, Neb., H Pixie 0635 ET, sired by H Montgomery 7437 ET, and bred
by Hoffman Herefords, Thedford, Neb.
Reserve champion: Vivian Lou Thompson, Troy Ala., with EXR Elise 0099, sired by EXR Bankroll 8130
ET, and bred by Express Ranches, Yukon, Okla.
Division III
Champion: Hayes Devine, Chickasha, Okla., with Hawk Rose 31H ET, sired by K Rustic 711 ET, and
bred by Hawk Livestock, Earlville, Ill.
Reserve champion: Kathryn and Tyler Coleman, Modesto, Calif., with Purple Bindi 87H ET, sired by
UPS Sensation 2296 ET, and bred by Purple Reign Cattle Company, Toulon, Ill.
Division IV
Champion: Kynlee Dailey, Kingston, Okla., with BK Have Points 050H ET, sired by H The Profit 8426
ET, and bred by Buck Cattle Company, Madill, Okla.
Reserve champion: Kinnick Paulsen, Preston, Iowa, with Hawk Rush 27H ET, sired by K Rustic 711 ET,
and bred by Hawk Livestock, Earlville, Ill.
Division V
Champion: Suter Clark, Gretna, Va., with Purple Larsa 2H ET, sired by K Rustic 711 ET, and bred by
Lillie Skiles, Hereford, Texas.
Reserve champion: Joel and Marlyn Pecha, Meno, Okla., with CMCC Head Over Heels 067H ET, sired
by H FHF Advance 628 ET, and bred by Moore Cattle Co., Madill, Okla.
Division VI
Champion: Hudson and Grady Carter, Stratford, Okla., with BK Good Measure 9045G, sired by H
Deberard 7454 ET, and bred by Buck Cattle Compnay, Madill, Okla.
Reserve champion: Landry and Tyler Allan, Nocona, Texas, with BACC 401B Ms Becky 978 ET, sired
by CRR 109 On Point 559, ET.
Polled division results
Division I
Champion: Chesney Effling, Highmore, S.D., with BACC D715 Monica 078 ET, sired by T/R BPF
AmericanClassic 561CET, and bred by Landry Allan, Nocona, Texas.
Reserve champion: Rhett Lowderman, Macomb, Ill., with RJL LCC 8130 Poker Run 84H ET, sired by
EXR Bankroll 8130 ET.
Division II
Champion: Kynlee Dailey, Kingston, Okla., with BK High On Sweets 0040H ET, sired by H The Profit
8426 ET, and bred by Buck Cattle Company, Madill, Okla.
Reserve champion: Ben Jensen, Courtland, Kan., with KJ BJ DPH F5 Gemstone 181H ET, sired by KJ BJ
309C Leader 182F.
Division III
Champion: Callie Harris, Canton, Texas, with BAR C D87 Breeze 024 ET, sired by KLD RW Marksman
D87 ET, and bred by Chachere Cattle Company, El Campo, Texas.
Reserve champion: Kaytlyn Harfst, Battle Creek, Mich., with HC Emma 2012, sired by KJ 968R Polled
Solution 668Z ET.
Division IV
Champion: Mason Allan, Nocona, Texas, with BK CMCC Highness 082H ET, sired by Chez/Pugh/Hara
Logic 8815F ET, and bred by Moore Cattle Co. Madill, Okla.
Reserve champion: Austin Lane Breeding, Miami, Texas, with Purple Raven 88H ET, sired by CRR
About Time 743, and bred by Purple Reign Cattle Company, Toulon, Ill.
Division V
Champion: Lauren May, Mineral Point, Wisc., with Purple Ivanka 64H ET, sired by KLD EB Trump D58,
and bred by Purple Reign Cattle Company, Toulon, Ill.
Reserve champion: Ben Jensen, Courtland, Kan., with KJ BJ 746D Hot Coco 071H, sired by KJ BJ 236X
Landmark 210F ET.
Division VI
Champion: Bryden Barber, Channing, Texas, with BR Merida H031 ET, sired by UPS Sensation 2296 ET,
and bred by Rylee Barber.
Reserve champion: A Nick Deppe, Maquoketa, Iowa, with Land Miss Sensation 0112ET sired by UPS
Sensation 2296 ET, and bred by Landgren Ranch, Bartlett, Neb.
Division VII
Champion: Chancee Clark, Muldrow, Okla., with BK High Profits 069H ET, and sired by H The Profit
8426 ET, and bred by Buck Cattle Company, Madill, Okla.
Reserve champion: Eric Rosson, Milford, Texas, with 6MC Rockin 561 Melissa 031, sired by T/R BPF
AmericanClassic 561CET, and bred by 6 Mile Creek LLC, Yukon, Okla.
Division VIII
Champion: Beau Ann Graves, Chillicothe, Mo., with TKCC Diamond Club 001 ET, sired by CH High
Roller 756 ET, and bred by TK Cattle Company, Burwell, Neb.
Reserve champion: Johanna, Julia and Jacqueline Studer, Frankfort, Kan., with NH Diamond Club 019
ET, sired by CH High Roller 756 ET, and bred by Nelson Herefords, Burwell, Neb.
Division IX
Champion: Paige Lemenager, Hudson, Ill., with Boy Harley 018H ET, sired by ECR Who Maker 210 ET,
and bred by Simon Thoreson, Knoxville, Iowa.
Reserve champion: Falon Gohr, Madras, Ore., with CMCC Happy Points 048H ET, sired by H Deberard
7454 ET, and bred by Buck Cattle Company, Madill, Okla.
Division X
Champion: Lauren May, Mineral Point, Wis., with Purple HB LMay Star 189G, sired by UPS Sensation
2296 ET.
Reserve champion: Mason Allan, Nocona, Texas, with BACC 612 Hadley 965 ET, sired by KJ BJ 58Z
Contender D56 ET.
The 2021 VitaFerm® Junior National Hereford Expo, Hereford Spectacular,
was sponsored in partby BioZyme Inc., St. Joseph, Mo. The National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA)
is one of the most active junior programs in the country with approximately 3,800 members. The NJHA’s mission
is to create and promote enthusiasm for the breed while providing opportunities through leadership, education
and teamwork. For more information about the NJHA, visit JrHereford.org.