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Prove the worth of your genetics with the hereford feedout program

Prove the worth of your genetics with the hereford feedout program

September 27, 2019

The American Hereford Association (AHA), in collaboration with HRC Feed Yards, is gearing up to provide a Hereford Feedout Program this fall for purebred and commercial cattlemen alike. Along with many other benefits, this program …

The American Hereford Association (AHA), in collaboration with HRC Feed Yards, is gearing up to provide a Hereford Feedout Program this fall for purebred and commercial cattlemen alike. Along with many other benefits, this program will provide a great opportunity for participants to gain a deeper understanding of the cattle feeding industry through first-hand experience.

To participate, a producer must enter five head or more, cattle must be weaned 45 days or more and be properly vaccinated. With a December 15, 2019, delivery date to HRC Feed Yards, Scott City, Kan., producers should be thinking about weaning and preparing the cattle they plan to send very soon. Proper preparation is essential for feeding cattle and should be taken very seriously. To assist in properly preparing the cattle, a specific protocol outlining the vaccinations and timing of those vaccinations has been developed and is available here.

Being held in the heart of feedlot country, HRC Feed Yards will provide the platform for participants to maximize their profit potential and to expand their marketing avenues by gaining access to an industry-leading marketing program — U.S. Premium Beef®. This will also allow participating cattle to be candidates for the Certified Hereford Beef® brand through National Beef Packing Company. Carcass data and other feedlot performance information will be provided, allowing producers to gain a greater understanding of their genetic quality to make improvements in their selection decisions.

Producers from all across the country have shown excitement about this program and are looking forward to taking advantage of this opportunity. “We believe this is an important program to take part in to learn about how our genetics are performing and set an example for other producers in our region,” says Kevin Atkins, Barnes Herefords, Cedartown, Ga. “We believe in our genetics and see added value in retaining ownership through an opportunity like this, compared to selling them as calves at our local market and look forward to participating in the program.”

The many benefits this program provides has stirred interest and participation from multiple producers. “Through the Hereford Feedout Program I am looking forward to testing some of the genetics I am using,” says Jake Drost, JRD Cattle Company, Klamath Falls, Ore. “This is a great way to compare performance to others in the country and build information to further market my genetics and program.”

Be on the lookout for an informational video outlining the program on AHA social media and communication outlets. For more information about the program and to review the calf preparation protocol please visit Hereford.org/genetics/breed-improvement/feedout-program/.