December 28, 2017
A message from AHA National Shows Coordinator, Bailey Clanton: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Hereford Exhibitors, I hope this finds your holiday and Denver preparations going well. We are looking forward to a …
A message from AHA National Shows Coordinator, Bailey Clanton:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Hereford Exhibitors,
I hope this finds your holiday and Denver preparations going well. We are looking forward to a successful and jam packed Denver 2018 for the Hereford breed and have put together an exhibitor schedule and check list that will be helpful leading up to and once you arrive in Denver for the National Western Stock Show. Hereford breeders have more than 1,000 head entered on the Hill and more than 450 head in the Yards; with our large numbers we have made a few changes to the check in process in order to streamline it for all the exhibitors and to get the show programs turned around for the shows. Please review the following information regarding check-in and any other show details. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in the Mile High City.
As of March 2013, all cattle moving interstate for exhibition or show events, such as the NWSS, are required to have official individual identification ear tags present in the ear. To avoid potential problems, all U.S. cattle entering the NWSS grounds will be expected to have a USDA Official ID ear tag present in the ear.
Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD):
All cattle, bison, yaks, llamas, and alpacas must be tested negative for BVD persistently infected (PI) status PRIOR to arrival at NWSS. Those without a documented negative test will not be allowed on the grounds. Pooled samples are accepted so long as individual animal identification is maintained and documented. One negative test per animal is sufficient per lifetime. Acceptable tests include immunohistochemistry (IHC), antigen-capture ELISA (ac-ELISA), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and virus isolation (VI). Please note: BVD serology or titers are not accepted. For a list of BDVD labs please visit :
Livestock Health Requirements, which outlines the health regulations for cattle entered in the National Western. If you or your veterinarian have any questions please feel free to contact the Colorado State Vet at (303) 869-9130
For further information regarding the National Western please visit the premium book here>>>
1. Spring and junior yearling heifers must be confirmed pregnant within 45 days of the show by a veterinarian or a blood test.
2. Bulls born before December 31, 2016 are required to provide a licensed veterinarians’ statement indicating the bull has been semen checked and evaluated as fertile. Semen evaluation is to occur within 90 days of the show.
If you haven’t already, please submit a farm/ranch bio to by January 5th. If you would like me to send you what I have on file from last year please contact me. This write up will be read during the showing of your pen/carload on Friday, January 12th.
The Hereford General Store & Lounge will be located on the 3rd floor of the Livestock Exchange Building in room 324 and will be open starting Wednesday, January 10th at 3 p.m. through Friday, January 12th at 5 p.m. This will also serve as our AHA office and where we will be conducting check-in for the yard and hill papers on Sunday and Monday.
As of November 2015, we began stamping papers once tattoos were checked. If your paper has an AHA Tattoo Verified stamp you will only need to bring your paper to the check-in table. If you do not have a stamp, an AHA staff member will need to check your papers and tattoo on your animal for you to then receive a stamp.
Only ORIGINAL REGISTRATION PAPERS will be checked. NO copies, scans or performance pedigrees will be accepted.
Sale animals for the Mile High Night sale must have a SEPARATE health paper. This is a requirement of the National Western and the veterinarian.
This year we will be accepting Herdsman of the Year votes online ONLY. Each farm/ranch exhibiting in Denver is allowed one vote for Herdsman of the Year. As we get closer we will release the link to the voting site.
The assignment of pens, tie stalls, box stalls, sheep, swine and goat pens will be made at the time entry fees are completely paid and only to animals that arrive at the show. Space will not be assigned for animals entered that do not arrive on the grounds. Entry fees do not dictate stall space. Entry fees will not be refunded. Participants will only receive one (1) stall for every animal delivered to the Stock Show, regardless of the number of entries made. A cow-calf pair is considered as one (1) entry; but the Participant is given two (2) stall spaces for the unit. Special or specific requests for pens, stalls or tieouts must be submitted in writing and received in the Livestock Office no later than December 1, 2017. There is no guarantee the requests can or will be honored.
Sunday, Jan 7
** We will start checking registration papers with the check-in sheets at 1 p.m. in the Hereford General Store & Lounge, Livestock Exchange Building, Suite #324.
Monday, Jan 8
Hill Paper Check-In – Hereford General Store & Lounge, Livestock Exchange Building, Suite #324.
** 11 a.m. Bring ORIGINAL registration papers to the suite to be checked in. Once your papers are checked for Hill cattle you will receive your back numbers.
Tuesday, Jan. 9
** Noon- ALL Hereford cattle must be in place on the hill
** 1 p.m. ALL hill cattle must be checked in by this time
** 7 p.m. Herdsman Party- Pepsi Arena (in the Yards)
Wednesday, Jan 10
Thursday, Jan 11
** 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Hereford General Store & Lounge- Open, Livestock Exchange Building Rm 324.
** 7:30 p.m. Mile High Eve Sale, Double Tree Stapleton North
Friday, Jan 12
Saturday, Jan 13
If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself at, Joe Rickabaugh or any of the AHA Field Staff.
Bailey E. Clanton
American Hereford Association
National Shows Coordinator & Youth Activities Assistant
1501 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO 64108