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Hereford Juniors Participate in Future Professionals Contest along with College and Career Fair

Hereford Juniors Participate in Future Professionals Contest along with College and Career Fair

July 22, 2022

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – More than 775 juniors were entered into the 2022 VitaFerm® Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE), gathering in Louisville, Ky., July 16- 22. In addition to showing cattle, juniors competed in educational and …

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – More than 775 juniors were entered into the 2022 VitaFerm® Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE), gathering in Louisville, Ky., July 16-

22. In addition to showing cattle, juniors competed in educational and leadership events in and out of the showring. 

The array of contests and opportunities at the JNHE is what makes the National Junior Hereford Association’s (NJHA) event unique. These contests allow the Hereford Youth Foundation of America (HYFA) and the NJHA to carry out their joint mission of promoting leadership and education. A hybrid model of contests was adopted to enhance junior members’ virtual and in-person interview and presentation skills, skills shown to be important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Juniors entered the contests by submitting a cover letter and resume, allowing the judges to select the finalists who would present at the JNHE.

Future Professionals 

The objective of the contest is for NJHA members to create a resume based on factual work experiences, education, etc., which they can use for future career and scholarship purposes. Resumes were judged prior to the JNHE and the top five resumes competed in an interview round in person. Seniors competed in a mock job interview and intermediate members competed in a mock scholarship interview.

Bridging the Gap 

In addition to the future professionals contest, the 2022 JNHE held its annual Bridging the Gap college and career fair. Juniors of all ages were encouraged to speak with representatives from colleges, universities and industry professionals in order to practice their networking skills, learn about higher education and set career goals.

“We want to be able to capitalize on those kids that are elite-minded and have the forward thinking to be able to be part of a growing company,”  Kane Aegerter, Boviteq beef sales specialist, says. 


The winner in the senior division of the future professionals contest, judged by Bridging the Gap professionals, was Molly Biggs, Dixon, Ill. Biggs highlighted her internship with the Illinois Hereford Association (IHA) as a membership services intern, where she was able to expand her skills in content creation for print media, as well as in journalism and editorial writing. The IHA has a bi-monthly insert, the Illinois Hereford Bulletin, in the Illinois Beef Magazine, which she was tasked with creating editorial content for.

Sam Birdsall, Torrington, Wyo., won the intermediate division of the future professionals contest. Vying for the future professionals scholarship, Birdsall described his involvement within Wyoming FFA, including the creed speaking contest where he was awarded champion creed speaker. He was also president of the conduct of chapter meeting team.



The 2022 VitaFerm®Junior National Hereford Expo was sponsored in part by BioZyme Inc., St. Joseph, Mo. The National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) is one of the most active junior programs in the country with approximately 3,800 members. The NJHA’s mission is to create and promote enthusiasm for the breed while providing opportunities through leadership, education and teamwork. For more information about the NJHA, visit JrHereford.org.