January 10, 2024
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas, grabbed the pen-of-three bull banner on Thursday, Jan. 4, during the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla. Burns Farms, Pikeville, Tenn., won the pen-of-five bull show, and …
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas, grabbed the pen-of-three bull banner on Thursday, Jan. 4, during the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla. Burns Farms, Pikeville, Tenn., won the pen-of-five bull show, and Delaney Herefords, Lake Benton, Minn., topped the pen-of-three female show.
Jan Ward, Sheridan, Wyo.; Ryan Topp, Grace City, N.D.; and Jeff Gooden, Oak Grove, Mo., sorted the pen show, which included 11 female pens, one pen-of-five bull entry and six pen-of-three bull entries for a total of 56 Hereford cattle.
The grand champion title in the pen-of-three bull show went to GKB Cattle, with the group first winning the junior bull calf division. In recognition for their champion pen of bulls, GKB Cattle received the fourth annual Arlo Janssen Memorial Award in remembrance of longtime Hereford exhibitor and herdsman, Arlo Janssen. The champion pen of three was sired by C GKB Guardian 1015 ET, and the group averaged 1,270 pounds with a calculated weight per day of age (WDA) of 3.52. Delaney Herefords exhibited the reserve champion pen-of-three junior bull calves before being selected as the reserve grand champion pen with a group sired by SHF Houston D287 H086 and RST Final Print 0016. The pen weighed an average of 1,151 pounds with a 3.35 WDA.
Burns Farms brought home the champion pen-of-five bulls with their champion pen of senior bull calves. The winning entry was sired by Green JCS Makers Mark 22, 77 Potency 8F 63G, Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153, Boyd Power Surge 9024 and KCF Bennett Trust B279 ET. The bulls averaged 1,614 pounds with a calculated WDA of 3.58.
The grand champion pen-of-three females and pen of champion junior heifer calves was exhibited by Delaney Herefords. The group was sired by KSU Land Grant 153 ET and RST Final Print 0016, and posted an average weight of 833 pounds with a 2.49 WDA. Matheny Herefords, Mayslick, Ky., showed the reserve grand champion pen-of-three females, also taking reserve champion honors in the junior heifer calf division. These heifers were sired by TH Masterplan 183F ET and NJW 202C 173D Steadfast 156. The pen weighed an average of 832 pounds and measured a 2.53 WDA.
Visit Hereford.org for complete show results.
The American Hereford Association, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., is one of the largest U.S. beef breed associations. The not-for-profit organization along with its subsidiaries — Certified Hereford Beef (CHB) LLC, Hereford Publications Inc. (HPI) and American Beef Records Association (ABRA) — provides programs and services for its members and their customers, while promoting the Hereford breed and supporting education, youth and research. For press releases and photos, visit Hereford.org/media.