Contact Information
Company/Ranch Name: Snowshoe Cattle
Name: Bernie & Stacie Buzanowski
Email Address:
Phone Number: (308) 726-2138
Mobile Number: (406) 855-8288
Address: Arthur, Nebraska
Company/Ranch Name: Snowshoe Cattle
Name: Bernie & Stacie Buzanowski
Email Address:
Phone Number: (308) 726-2138
Mobile Number: (406) 855-8288
Address: Arthur, Nebraska
Headcount: 11
Weight: 625
Category: Open Replacement Heifers
Horn Status: Polled
Cattle Origin: Home Raised
Current Location: at the Ranch Arthur, NE
Primary Breed Type: Hereford
% Hereford: 100
Vaccination Records: 5/4/24 Branding Bovishield Gold One Shot Ultrabac 7 Endovac Autogenous pinkeye Decomax injectable 8/16/24 PreConditioning Bovishield Gold 5 Ultrabac 7 Somnus 9/22/24 Weaning Bovishield Gold 5 Vision 7 Ivermectin pour on
De-Wormed: Yes
Wormer Used: Dectomax, Ivermectin
Bangs Vaccinated: Yes
Heifer Calves Weaned: Yes
Weaning Date: 9/22/24
Feed/Nutrition Program: Mixed grain ration and free choice quality hay
Auction/Delivery Date: 01/09/2025
Auction Market: Ogallala Livestock Auction
Auction Market City: Ogallala
Auction Market State: Nebraska
Sale Representative: Jay Nordhausen
Sale Representative Phone Number: (308) 289-1548
Marketing, Weigh-Up & Delivery Comments: Heifers Sired by: NJW 160B 028X Historic 81E ET Snowshoe 42Z Ruffneck F62 153J TH 49B 358C Drover 134F H Amplify 2242 ET