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Brumley Named 2025 Hereford Herdsman of the Year

Brumley Named 2025 Hereford Herdsman of the Year

January 22, 2025

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — At the fifth annual Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla., Kari Brumley, Orovada, Nev., was honored as the 2025 Hereford Herdsman of the Year. After votes were cast by fellow Hereford herdsmen …

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — At the fifth annual Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla., Kari Brumley, Orovada, Nev., was honored as the 2025 Hereford Herdsman of the Year. After votes were cast by fellow Hereford herdsmen and breeders, the winner was named between the selection of the grand champion polled and horned Hereford females on Jan. 11 in Jim Norick Arena. 

 The Hereford Herdsman of the Year title is a prestigious honor that annually goes to an outstanding herdsman in the Hereford breed. 

Brumley owns and operates Brumley Farms, a registered Hereford and hay operation, alongside her family. They run approximately 100 registered Hereford females and an aggressive embryo transfer (ET) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) program. She has a passion for good livestock and is involved in all day-to-day operations around the ranch, from breeding decisions to preparing heifer calves for their annual spring and fall sales, to spending long hours in the barn working on show and sale cattle. 

Brumley is a second-generation Hereford breeder, but her passion for the breed really started when she showed her first Hereford at 7 years old. She exhibited Hereford cattle at state, regional and national shows throughout her time as a National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) member. One of her fondest memories is being the first person to win all four age divisions of showmanship at the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE). 

Brumley and her family are proud to have raised several national champion bulls and females over the years. She is pleased to have exhibited previous show heifers and bulls of the year and to have been named premier breeder and premier exhibitor at numerous national shows. Brumley Farms continues to exhibit cattle at many national shows across the country, including the American Royal, Western States Hereford Show and NWSS. Brumley considers herself fortunate to have had many mentors growing up, and she enjoys giving back by mentoring junior exhibitors each summer in preparation for the JNHE. 

Brumley teaches elementary school near her hometown, driven by her passion for educating youth. She has a strong passion for education and the cattle industry and is honored to be a part of the Hereford family.

“Knowing my fellow breeders and peers thought of and voted for me to win this prestigious award will forever be one of the most humbling moments of my life,” Brumley said.


The American Hereford Association, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., is one of the largest U.S. beef breed associations. The not-for-profit organization along with its subsidiaries — Certified Hereford BeefÒ (CHB) LLC, Hereford Publications Inc. (HPI) and American Beef Records Association (ABRA) — provides programs and services for its members and their customers, while promoting the Hereford breed and supporting education, youth and research. For press releases and photos, visit Hereford.org/media.