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Bayers Hereford Ranch Honored for a Century of Success

Bayers Hereford Ranch Honored for a Century of Success

November 1, 2018

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In celebration of 100 years in the Hereford business, the Bayers family of Bayers Hereford Ranch, Twin Bridges, Mont., was recognized for their commitment to the breed as a Century Breeder …

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In celebration of 100 years in the Hereford business, the Bayers family of Bayers Hereford Ranch, Twin Bridges, Mont., was recognized for their commitment to the breed as a Century Breeder on Oct. 26 during the American Hereford Association (AHA) Hereford Honorees Reception in Kansas City, Mo.


“Being recognized as a Century Breeder is a tremendous feat for a family operation,” says Jack Ward, AHA executive vice president. “The AHA congratulates the Bayers family on this accomplishment, and applauds them on years of dedication and hard work within the Hereford breed.”


Bayers Hereford Ranch was established in 1918 by Art and Elizabeth Bayers in Lavina, starting the family’s 100-year journey in the registered Hereford business. In the early to mid-1930s, the family moved to a ranch near Twin Bridges which came with a beautiful, three-story round barn famous for raising Montana’s only Kentucky Derby winner, Spokane. Years later, the barn became just as famous for raising and selling registered Herefords.


In 1953, Art and Elizabeth’s son, Byron, married Pauline Oberg and they raised three children — Rich, Kathy and Jill — who were all actively involved in the ranch through the 1980s. In 1997, their daughter, Jill, and her husband, Marc, along with Byron and Pauline formed the publication Hereford America.


Byron served on the American Hereford Association (AHA) Board in the 1970s and was elected President in 1976. He attended World Hereford Conferences in Canada and Uruguay and went to Hungary to act as an AHA consultant in selecting Herefords. In 2009, he was the recipient of the Canadian Hereford Ambassador Award, and was inducted into the Hereford Heritage Hall of Fame in 2017 — an honor for the entire family.


During its history, the ranch produced more than 25,000 purebred Herefords, selling cattle to buyers from 38 states within the U.S. as well as to Mexico, Canada, Hungary and Zimbabwe. Bayers sold much of the herd in 1990 but eventually built a herd of about 100 cows. The majority of this second herd was sold a few years ago, but once again, Byron hung onto a few head and rebuilt.


Sadly, Both Byron and Pauline have passed away, but the family continues to carry on the ranch and its traditions. The family still owns a small herd of registered Herefords and small herd of commercial Hereford cows.

Bayers Hereford Ranch, Twin Bridges, Mont., was honored as a Century Hereford Breeder Oct. 26, 2018, in Kansas City, Mo. Pictured (l to r) are: Marc and Jill (Bayers) Hotchkiss and Kathy Bayers; and Kevin Schultz, 2018 AHA president, Haviland, Kan.



The American Hereford Association, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., is one of the largest U.S. beef breed associations. The not-for-profit organization along with its subsidiaries — Certified Hereford Beef (CHB) LLC, Hereford Publications Inc. (HPI) and American Beef Records Association (ABRA) — provides programs and services for its members and their customers, while promoting the Hereford breed and supporting education, youth and research. For additional press releases and photos, visit www.hereford.org/media.


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