June 30, 2022
Each year, three members of the board of directors of the American Hereford Association go off the board and three new directors are elected to replace them. A nominating committee of AHA members not currently …
Each year, three members of the board of directors of the American Hereford Association go off the board and three new directors are elected to replace them. A nominating committee of AHA members not currently serving on the board of directors creates a slate of candidates which are voted on at the AHA annual meeting.
Each state elects voting delegates to attend the annual meeting to vote on the slate of board nominees. Each state is entitled to one delegate for every 750 Hereford registrations during January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 as well as one delegate for the first 25 active adult members and one delegate for every 100 additional active adult members during the same time period.
Active adult members of the AHA who have registered at least one Hereford animal in the preceding calendar year (January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021) are eligible to participate in the election of voting delegates.
The election of Voting Delegates begins in early May when the AHA sends out nomination cards to all eligible members. Those nomination cards are returned to the AHA’s accounting firm and a slate of potential voting delegates is created. If there are more eligible members nominated than the state or state group is allocated, then a ballot will be sent out to all eligible members from the state in order for them to select which voting delegate nominees will represent their state at the annual meeting.
Any states that do not have enough eligible members nominated to warrant a ballot being sent out will have their state secretary or president contacted in order to solicit the names of potential eligible members that might represent their state or state group.
Voting delegates must be active members and willing to attend the annual meeting and serve in this capacity (board members and director nominating committee members are eligible to be nominated).
This year the following states will not be receiving ballots as there was not more eligible members nominated than the state or state group was allocated voting delegates.
New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire & Vermont)
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
Upper Atlantic (Delaware, Maryland & New Jersey)